Lemuel The Servant


St.Augusitine writing Confessions

While remembering all his youthful follies, he remembers how God's unfarthomable grace has been a shield for him, how grace leads to discover his faith into Three in One God.

Divine Illumination

St: Augustine receive divine illumination from Jesus the Son of God and Mary, the mother of Jesus, enlightening him while he is writing his discourse.

St.MONICA and St.AUGUSTINE at Ecstacy at Ostia

Two saints, mother and son receive a vision of heaven at Ostia, near Rome. It was the last moment of the two being together, looking heaven ward, and later St.Monica died and was buried there.

Seminarians on the wall.

With co-seminarians, where trying to escape the scourging sunlight, sitting on the fence and keeping ourselves calm with jokes.

Rosary Garden at Tabor Hill, Talamban

A place of prayer and peace, a place of love and charity where being together with the mother of our Divine Lord, and recitation of Holy Rosary knocks the doors of Heaven.

30 August, 2012

Pope compares disobedient Catholics to Judas

The Pope had some uncompromising words for dissenters in a recent Vatican address. 
 Stoyan Zaimov
Pope Benedict XVI delivered an address from the Vatican on Sunday in which he suggested that those who disagree with Catholic teachings or do not believe in Jesus Christ should leave the church rather than become betrayers like Judas.
“Judas,” Pope Benedict said, “could have left, as many of the disciples did; indeed, he would have left if he were honest. Instead he remained with Jesus. He did not remain because of faith, or because of love, but with the secret intention of taking vengeance on the Master.”
Catholic Church News Image of Pope compares disobedient Catholics to JudasThe leader of the Worldwide Roman Catholic Church added that Judas’ most serious crime was falsehood, which the pope described as “the mark of the devil.” He added that Catholics needed to always be sincere like St. Peter and believe in Jesus.
LifeSiteNews reported that Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro, the Human Life International Rome Director, confirmed that the pope’s comments are very much related to the Catholic Church’s formal teachings in support of traditional marriage and pro-life views.
“For those Catholics who cannot bring themselves to believe the formal teachings of the Church on life and family matters it would be more honest to leave the Church rather than betraying Her,” Barreiro said.
“We regret very much that the person is so inclined and we wish they would have a conversion to truly believe,” he added.
Catholic organizations in the U.S. has been battling policy changes by President Barack Obama that require religious institutions to provide contraceptives in their employees’ insurance coverage, which goes against church teachings. Also, a host of countries around the world have been struggling over the issue of gay marriage – most recently, the Scottish Catholic Church has been urgently calling for support as their country prepares to become the first U.K. nation and one of the only ones in the world to legalize homosexual marriage.
Monsignor Barreiro noted that differences in opinion were not prohibited in the Catholic Church, but in some circumstances it was better to just obey the important teachings and “sacrifice your will.”

26 August, 2012

it's not new

         Wherever there are people, there will be mistakes that is a fact. We assume this as a reality. There is also a saying "to err is human, to forgive is divine." Nice Saying. what matters is that what do we learn from our previous mistakes and mistakes of others.
          Historically speaking and speaking in faith, Jesus has never erred. He has done a good deal but there is no wrong in the sight of God. Becasue of the reason, He is with God and He is God. In His time there are people accused him of wrong doings by his contemporaries. Nonetheless he has not compromised their accusations. His character would be that of rare type, His Faith in the Father is stronger than any bond on this earth.
         Right after his death, when the disciples proclaimed the good News, there were people who proclaim about Jesus of Nazareth who said Jesus is not Divine but he is a man inspired by God. or other things that people said Jesus is A God not a human. These are called heresies. Starting from the moment of His death, these false teachings have surfaced from the very mouths of those who ignore the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus. Councils of the Holy Catholic Church has defended from these false teaching in order to keep the teaching of Jesus, as his Bride.
         Nowadays, Many who called themselves Christians saying different things about Jesus. When one does not believe Jesus is God, how can he proclaimed the kingdom of God which Jesus showed. Jesus always call His Heavenly father as 'My father.' Unless we are close to the Son, we can't approach the Father. Because the Son has come down to this earth and has compassion for the human race.
        So my brothers and sister, Pls be careful of false teachings, as Catholics we need to heed the teachings of the Holy Catholic church. Their false teachings are not new, the Holy Church has defended them in the early centuries. And we have to defend the faith of our age by studying the struggles which the Church has endured on this perilous Journey. I would not point out which are the sects, denominations teaching false doctrines, but they are right beside us. They try to present themselves well but in them is the Heart of EVIL, these false teachers will be liable for the loss of many souls. Their place is prepared in Gehena. (Matthew:23-27)The Holy Spirit has never left the church from the moment of Pentecost. No matter how big are the obstacles lie ahead of the Church she has made much progress. Can you imagine an Institution which is as old as 2,000 years and still bearing much fruit and fragrance.
        I pray that we all Catholics will be strong in faith and in unity so that we may all meet each other in heaven. Personally, I would like to see all friends of mine in Heaven and more over I wish all the poor souls in Purgatory would be freed.
       With Faith, Hope and Love in Christ/Ohlay

14 August, 2012

Rejoice With Me

Dear Friends!

             Praise the Lord. For his Greatness, for his infinite wisdom and unfathomable mercy upon his children. I have recovered from a serious illness. I was stricken by Dengue and was hospitalized for four days. Before hospitalization I was having five-days fever which made my white blood cell count so low then I was hospitalized. When the doctor sees my medical result of CBC( blood count) she immediately asked me not to go back to the seminary but to be admitted in the hospital immediately.  The doctors and nurses were very caring and I want to share the experience with the doctor who helped me recover so fast. She did not charge us anything but gave us a good care while I was in the hospital. 

          Thanks to OAD Community, which paid all the medical expenses.Though the Doctor's professional charge was free, the Hospital charge was costly but I recovered quickly. The sickness I had was because of my negligence only. I was not aware of the mosquitoes but ignorant of it. Then when the sickness comes I really regretted having neglected about it. 

         Above all, God was so merciful that he did not allow me to suffer so long. I was praying then the strength came little by little in my limbs. Until now, my legs are not so firmed but I can move here and there. I can't stay standing for a long time, the legs become trembling then that is the time I have to sit or lean on the nearest wall or chair. 

       And I would like to thank to all those who are praying for me and to all those who visited me while I was confined in the Perpetual Succor Hospital. 

                 So My brothers and sisters, rejoice with me.


Thank You So Much!

01 August, 2012

Is Tertullian considered a Church Father?

Is Origen considered a Church Father?

How did the Church Fathers explain the perpetual virginity of Mary?