Lemuel The Servant


St.Augusitine writing Confessions

While remembering all his youthful follies, he remembers how God's unfarthomable grace has been a shield for him, how grace leads to discover his faith into Three in One God.

Divine Illumination

St: Augustine receive divine illumination from Jesus the Son of God and Mary, the mother of Jesus, enlightening him while he is writing his discourse.

St.MONICA and St.AUGUSTINE at Ecstacy at Ostia

Two saints, mother and son receive a vision of heaven at Ostia, near Rome. It was the last moment of the two being together, looking heaven ward, and later St.Monica died and was buried there.

Seminarians on the wall.

With co-seminarians, where trying to escape the scourging sunlight, sitting on the fence and keeping ourselves calm with jokes.

Rosary Garden at Tabor Hill, Talamban

A place of prayer and peace, a place of love and charity where being together with the mother of our Divine Lord, and recitation of Holy Rosary knocks the doors of Heaven.

14 December, 2014

Daily Gospel

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Third Sunday of Advent - Year B

St. John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church (1542-1591)

Commentary of the day
Saint Augustine : “He came for testimony to testify to the Light”

Jn 1:6-8.19-28.
A man named John was sent from God.
He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him.
He was not the light, but came to testify to the light.
And this is the testimony of John. When the Jews from Jerusalem sent priests and Levites (to him) to ask him, "Who are you?"
he admitted and did not deny it, but admitted, "I am not the Messiah."
So they asked him, "What are you then? Are you Elijah?" And he said, "I am not." "Are you the Prophet?" He answered, "No."
So they said to him, "Who are you, so we can give an answer to those who sent us? What do you have to say for yourself?"
He said: "I am 'the voice of one crying out in the desert, "Make straight the way of the Lord,"' as Isaiah the prophet said."
Some Pharisees were also sent.
They asked him, "Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah or Elijah or the Prophet?"
John answered them, "I baptize with water; but there is one among you whom you do not recognize,
the one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie."
This happened in Bethany across the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB

Commentary of the day :

Saint Augustine (354-430), Bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and Doctor of the Church
Sermons on the Gospel of Saint John, no.2, §5-7

“He came for testimony to testify to the Light”

In what way has Christ come? He appeared as man. But because he was a man such that God was concealed within him, a special kind of man was sent before him to make known that he was more than man, that he was the Messiah... Who was he, this man who had to give testimony to the Light in this way? The man John was truly remarkable, of great merit and outstanding grace, high above all others. Admire him in the way we would admire a mountain: the mountain would remain in shadow so long as the light did not come to envelop it – “He was not the Light”. Don't take the mountain for the light; don't break yourself against it, far less find help in it.

So what should we admire, then? The mountain, but only as a mountain. Rise up as far as him who lights up this mountain, which was erected to become the first to receive the sun's rays and to reflect them back to your eyes... We say of our eyes, too, that they are lights and yet, if we don't light the lamp at night or if the sun does not rise by day, our eyes are open in vain. John himself was in the dark before he was enlightened; he only became light through this enlightenment. If he had not received the rays of this Light he would have remained as dark as other are...

And what about the Light itself? Where is it? “The true Light which enlightens everyone coming into the world”? (Jn 1,9). If he enlightens everyone then he also enlightened John, through whom he wished to be manifested... He came for the sick of mind, for wounded hearts, for souls whose eyes are weak..., people unable to see aright. He covered John with his beams. By testifying that he himself had been enlightened, John made known He who enlightens, He who gives clarity, He who is the source of every gift.

01 November, 2014

Happy All Saints Day

DAILY GOSPEL - www.dailygospel.org
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” John 6:68

The whole Daily Gospel team wishes you a blessed All Saints day!

In these last weeks of the liturgical year, All Saints day unites the Church on earth (Church Militant) with the Church in heaven (Church Triumphant). This feast, dedicated to all those who share already in the eternal beatitude, is coupled with the commemoration of All Souls Day, November 2. After having sung the glory and blessedness of the Church Triumphant, the liturgy invites us to turn our regard to our faithful departed, and to those who still experience purification as they advance toward the beatific vision.

The 2nd of November is a day of remembrance, but also a day of intercession. The day where “the Church intercedes for all her members asleep in death, who suffer the last purification before entering into Glory” (Solesme martyrology) Christ by His death and resurrection has established a mutual bond between the living and the dead, a true solidarity; through the communion of saints our prayer assists them on this last journey.

So let us not forget to pray for our beloved dead, to offer the mass for their intention, to practice tithing, indulgences, and works of penance (
CCC 1032
) so that God might welcome them into His eternal Glory.

The English team of Daily Gospel, a service from evangelizo.org

06 October, 2014

Hypocrite: Modern

It has been quite a long time I stopped writing on my blog. However, a new inspiration came and I force myself to write something though I have something else to do. But it is always a pleasure to share love, kindness and everything you have with your friends. one would feel happier if your share is accepted and appreciated. 
          In my mind I am quietly asking myself if it is quite logical to say someone is peacful and yet holding arms? Is it not like a fox saying that it is vegetarian? Or like a lawyer saying that all comes out from his mouth is of all sincerity? however these examples are weak symbols which i intend to have a comparison. You know it for sure that UNITED NATIONS is doing as a intermediator for peace. Their projects are always highlighted in the news, in the journals and everywhere. Let's ask a question has UN achieved its goal as it is intended to have? Why? Is it doing its work right?
        Okay let's go to another one, let suppose that the reader has saw that there are two people quarelling at the top of their voices and they has charged themself for a physical fight. You would like to calm them down, and yet these people are picking up some objects to hurt each other. Would you grab out of their hand these objects or would you bring another objects or arms? Or would you arm yourself to involve in the fight with them in order to stop them?
          Now this is what UN does, sending their troops with arms in the the middle of the fight, lets say palestine and Isreal. If a person wants peace then he has to leave the arms. He has to be open to others, in my opinion. Arms and ammunitions will never bring peace rather it will only make people feel insecure.  Modern day philosophers have thought many great ideas about peace, how would this world embrace a peaceful situation. But they have failed.
Peace will be achieved when there are no more arms, 
                                      when there are no more insecurities, 
                                      when is no more hatred,
                                      when there  is no more jealousy,
                                      when there is no bias,
                                      when there is no more pride,
                                      when there is no more hunger for power,
                                      when there is no more greed( properties, etc)
                                      when there is no more ideas of superiority,
                                      when there is no one who is selfish.

Peace Will be there when there is contentment of one prosperity, physical appeareance, etc.
                        when everyone accepts that we all are equal,
                        when everyone loves his/her neighbour as him/herself.
                        when everyone does what is beneficial to him/herself and for others.
                        when everyone understands his/herself, interiority( what he/she really longs  
                        when everyone love peace.
                        when everyone love nature and protects it.
                        when everyone thinks for others, even at the point of losing him/herself.
                        when everyone has respect for those who are older and younger or same 
                        when everyone accepts the limitedness of our human nature.
                        when everyone does what he/she has to do.
So, unless we get rid of arms, insecurities and thirst for power we will never achieve peace. 
If we still arm ourselves and yet claiming to achieve peace in the world is acting the hipocrite. May the Lord Jesus Give us strength.Amen.

14 September, 2014

Daily Gospel Sunday, 14 September 2014

Sunday, 14 September 2014

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Feast
The exaltation of the Holy Cross, feast

St. Maternus, Bishop of Cologne († c. 325)

Commentary of the day
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein] : "That the world might be saved through him"

Jn 3:13-17.
Jesus said to Nicodemus : "No one has gone up to heaven except the one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man.
And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life."
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.

Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB

Commentary of the day :

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein] (1891-1942), Carmelite, martyr, co-patron of Europe
Poem « Signum Crucis », 16/11/1937

"That the world might be saved through him"

…Made man for love of men
He made a gift to the souls he has chosen
Of his human life in its fullness.
He who formed each human heart
Desires to make known one day
The secret meaning of each one’s being
By means of a new name that only the one who receives it understands (Rv 2,17).
He has united each chosen soul
In a mysterious and unique way.
Drawing from the fullness of his human life,
He makes a gift to us
Of the cross.

What is the cross ?
It is the sign of greatest shame.
Whoever comes into contact with it
Is rejected from among men.
People who acclaimed him before
Turn away from him with dread and know him no longer.
He has been handed over, defenceless, to his enemies.
Nothing remains for him on earth any more
Except suffering, anguish and death.

What is the cross ?
The sign pointing to heaven.
Far above the dust and mists here below
It reaches up high into pure light.
Therefore abandon what men may take away,
Open your hands, lean against the cross:
Then it will carry you
Into eternal light.

Raise your eyes to the cross :
It stretches out its wooden beams
Like a man opening wide his arms
To receive the whole world.
Come, all you who toil beneath the weight of the burden (Mt 11,28)
And you who have nothing but a cry, on the cross with him.
It is the image of the God who, being crucified, becomes pale.
It rises up from earth to heaven
Like the One who rose heavenward
And desires to bear all of us there together with himself.

Only embrace the cross and you possess him
Who is the Way, the Truth, the Life (Jn 14,6).
If you carry your cross, it will carry you;
It will be your bliss.

06 July, 2014

Daily Gospel, Sunday, 06 July 2014

Sunday, 06 July 2014

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr (1890-1902), St. Palladius, Bishop and Apostle of the Scots, (+ c. 450)

Commentary of the day
Saint Gregory of Nyssa : "Although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike"

Mt 11:25-30.
At that time Jesus exclaimed, "I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.
Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.
All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him."

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your selves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."

Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB

Commentary of the day :

Saint Gregory of Nyssa (c.335-395), monk and Bishop
Catechetical Discourse 23-26 ; SC 453

"Although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike"

The fact that the all-powerful God has been able to humble himself even to the humility of the human condition constitutes a greater proof than the impact and supernatural character of miracles. Indeed, when divine power effects something of great sublimity this is, after a fashion, in conformity with and appropriate to God’s nature… On the other hand, that God descended even to our lowliness is, in a certain way, the expression of an overwhelming power that is not in the least restrained by what is contrary to its nature…

Neither the expanse of the heavens, the brightness of the stars, the governing of the universe, nor the harmony of created things reveal the splendid power of God so much as his indulgence, which leads him to lower himself to the weakness of our nature… God’s goodness, wisdom, justice and power are revealed in his plans on our behalf: goodness in his will to “save that which was lost” (Lk 19,10); wisdom and justice in his manner of saving us; power in the fact that Christ became “in the likeness of men” (Phil 2,7-8) and made himself conformable to the humility of our nature.

22 June, 2014

Daily Gospel, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Sunday, 22 June 2014

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) - Solemnity - Year A

St. Thomas More, Martyr (1478-1535), St. John Fisher, Bishop and Martyr (1459-1535)

Commentary of the day
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein] : "Whoever eats this bread will live forever"

Jn 6:51-58.
Jesus said to the Jewish crowds:
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world."
The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, "How can this man give us (his) flesh to eat?"
Jesus said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.
For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.
Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.
This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever."

Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB

Commentary of the day :

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein] (1891-1942), Carmelite, martyr, co-patron of Europe
Poem « I will remain with you », 1938 (trans. ©Washington Province of Discalced Carmelites, 1992)

"Whoever eats this bread will live forever"

This Heart of the Trinity,
beats for us in a small tabernacle
Where it remains mysteriously hidden
In that still, white host.

That is your royal throne on earth, 0 Lord,
Which visibly you have erected for us,
And you are pleased when I approach it.

Full of love, you sink your gaze into mine
And bend your ear to my quiet words
And deeply fill my heart with peace.

Yet your love is not satisfied
With this exchange that could still lead to separation:
Your heart requires more.

You come to me as early morning's meal each daybreak.
Your flesh and blood become food and drink for me
And something wonderful happens.

Your body mysteriously permeates mine
And your soul unites with mine: .
I am no longer what once I was.

You come and go, but the seed
That you sowed for future glory, remains behind (Mk 4,26; Jn 12,24),
Buried in this body of dust.

A luster of heaven remains in the soul,
A deep glow remains in the eyes,
A soaring in the tone of voice.

There remains the bond that binds heart to heart,
The stream of life that springs from yours
And animates each limb (1Co 12,27).

How wonderful are your gracious wonders!
All we can do is be amazed and stammer and fall silent
Because intellect and words fail.

15 June, 2014

Daily Gospel reading Sunday, 15 June 2014

Sunday, 15 June 2014

The Most Holy Trinity - Solemnity - Year A
The Most Holy Trinity - Solemnity - Year C

Sts. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, Martyrs, St. Aurelian

Commentary of the day
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein] : « Then the angel showed me the river of Life…flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb » (Rv 22,1)

Jn 3:16-18.
God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB

Commentary of the day :

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein] (1891-1942), Carmelite, martyr, co-patron of Europe
Poem « I will remain with you », 1938 (trans. ©Washington Province of Discalced Carmelites, 1992)

« Then the angel showed me the river of Life…flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb » (Rv 22,1)

You reign at the Father's right hand (Ps 109 (110),1)
In the kingdom of his eternal glory
As God's Word from the beginning. (Jn 1,1)

You reign on the Almighty's throne
Also in transfigured human form,
Ever since the completion of your work on earth (Jn 17,4; 19,30).
I believe this because your word teaches me so,
And because I believe, I know it gives me joy,
And blessed hope blooms forth from it.

For where you are, there also are your own, (Jn 17,24)
Heaven is my glorious homeland,
I share with you the Father's throne. (Ap 3,21)

The Eternal who made all creatures,
Who, thrice holy, encompasses all being,
In addition has a silent, special kingdom of his own.

The innermost chamber of the human soul
Is the Trinity's favorite place to be,
His heavenly throne on earth.

To deliver this heavenly kingdom from the hand of the enemy,
The Son of God has come as Son of Man,
He gave his blood as the price of deliverance.
In the heart of Jesus, which was pierced, (Jn 19,34)
The kingdom of heaven and the land of earth are bound together.
Here is for us the source of life. (Jn 7,38)

This heart is the heart of the triune Divinity,
And the center of all human hearts
That bestows on us the life of God.

It draws us to itself with secret power, (Jn 12,32)
It conceals us in itself in the Father's bosom
And floods us with the Holy Spirit.

11 June, 2014


a thought:    ;P
Knowing not-knowing is knowing unknown!!!

In italian,

it goes,  Conoscere non-conoscere è conoscere sconosciuto!!!

Un filosofo privo di pensiero non è un filosofo ma un storico...

03 June, 2014


        I have a question, by the way, have you ever dreamed that you, your parents and your siblings praying together in the church, attending Holy Mass, listening sermons and meditating, and praying a family rosary in front of the altar in your home? Or, have you done it and it has become a monotonous to you and to your family.
    It was my dream that one day we (my parents and my siblings) will pray together, attend Holy Mass. i remember my early childhood where all memories are blurred by the time. It was in the 1990s, I was a little boy. On Sunday mornings around 7:30, my father, mother and I we start marching toward the Catholic Church. The city we live is called Phruso, a small town with few inhabitants more or less 2,000. I normally place myself between my parents, holding their hands and marching, trying to equal my pace with them walking. I listened to their discussion then looking up their faces. Oh i forgot to mention, i am not the only son, i have a younger sister who, at that time was with my grandparents, then i alone remained with my parents. Arriving at the church I used to go move around in the church, leaving my father's pew and moving toward the pew where my mother sits. Since my father and my mother they sit differently because in Myanmar most of the churches have differently placed pews for men and women. Men usually sit at the left and women are placed at the right side of the church. So this was my chance to move around in the church while the service is going-on.
     This memory, though decades have passed, yet still remains clear in my head. These moments of going to the church in Phruso did not happen for so long. There are various reasons pushing things from bad to worse. It was a time Myanmar is ruled by Military Junta, whose mercy is dried, guns are always ready to open fire at any citizens, without distinction of men or women, young or old, black or white. Yes, they were very ruthless. Because of their stay in power, Myanmar is sanctioned from trade with other countries. So then, the citizens suffer so much, our tiny family was one of the many who suffer difficult situations. In those difficult moments, I still remember we had to eat corn which is intended only for farm animals since we had no money to buy rice for our daily sustenance.
         Carrying these burdens, my parents have nothing else to continue to bear. The salary as teachers of Government public school cannot grant us, though our family is composed of only three persons, enough food, dress, and housing. My parents, looking at my face and smiled yet in their hearts they are not really happy nor have courage to smile. They were afraid of tomorrow. On the other side, they too have to be afraid of Government forces who are roaming around the city, who would shoot any innocent peoples then later tell the relatives to come to pick up the corpse. So it was a kind of hell experience. No safety for the citizen, no enough salary, no enough food, no enough shelter.
         Life is as hard as it is. Then there was a time that my grandpa was seriously ill and my mom had to go to see her if she wants him to see his final days, according to a telegraph short message. She went back to her home town which is 500 km far from our place, together with my two younger brothers.

to be continued...

02 June, 2014

One of the interesting points, marked by US so called the big brother...

When the Americans left the Philippines in 1992, they left behind some 50,000 children born to Filipino women. Now the US government does not recognize the descendants as Americans

Read more at: http://www.ucanews.com/news/filipino-amerasians-the-forgotten-americans/71055

01 June, 2014

Daily Gospel, Sunday, 01 June 2014, Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year A

Sunday, 01 June 2014

Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year A

St. Justin, Martyr (+ c. 165) - Memorial

Commentary of the day
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger [Benedict XVI: "I revealed your name"

Jn 17:1-11a.
When Jesus had said this, he raised his eyes to heaven and said, "Father, the hour has come. Give glory to your son, so that your son may glorify you,
just as you gave him authority over all people, so that he may give eternal life to all you gave him.
Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
I glorified you on earth by accomplishing the work that you gave me to do.
Now glorify me, Father, with you, with the glory that I had with you before the world began.
I revealed your name to those whom you gave me out of the world. They belonged to you, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word.
Now they know that everything you gave me is from you,
because the words you gave to me I have given to them, and they accepted them and truly understood that I came from you, and they have believed that you sent me.
I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for the ones you have given me, because they are yours,
and everything of mine is yours and everything of yours is mine, and I have been glorified in them.
And now I will no longer be in the world, but they are in the world, while I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are.

Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB

Commentary of the day :

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger [Benedict XVI, Pope from 2005 to 2013]
Der Gott Jesu Christi (trans. The God of Jesus Christ, Ignatius press 2008, p. 23)

"I revealed your name"

What, then, does "the name of God" mean?... The Revelation of John speaks of the adversary of God, the "beast". This beast, the power opposed to God, has no name, but a number. The seer tells us: "Its number is six hundred and sixty-six" (Rv 13,18). It is a number, and it makes men numbers. We who lived through the world of the concentration camps know what that means. The terror of that world is rooted in the fact that it obliterates men's faces... But God has a name, and God calls us by our name. He is a Person, and he seeks the person. He has a face, and he seeks our face. He has a heart, and he seeks our heart. For him, we are not some function in a "world machinery". On the contrary, it is precisely those who have no function that are his own. A name allows me to be addressed. A name denotes community.

This is why Christ is the true Moses, the fulfillment of the revelation of God's name. He does not bring some new word as God's name; he does more than this, since he himself is the face of God. He himself is the name of God. In him, we can address God as "you", as person, as heart. His own name, Jesus, brings the mysterious name at the burning bush to its fulfillment (Ex 3,14); now we can see that God had not said all that he had to say but had interrupted his discourse for a time. This is because the name "Jesus" in its Hebrew form includes the word "Yahweh" and adds a further element to it: God "saves". "I am who I am"-thanks to Jesus, this now means: "I am the one who saves you." His Being is salvation.

27 May, 2014

Exorcism of Padre Amorth.

23 May, 2014

This is the first, who will be the second?

EUROPE/ITALY – Beatification of Mario Vergara, PIME martyr and Isidoro Ngei Ko Lat, first Burmese Blessed
Rome (Agenzia Fides) – On Saturday, May 24, 2014, in the Cathedral of Aversa, Father Mario Vergara, missionary of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME) and his catechist Isidore Ngei Ko Lat will be beatified. They both died as martyrs in Burma in May 1950. Card. Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, will preside at the beatification ceremony.
At the end of the general audience on Wednesday 21 May, Pope Francis recalled the beatification with these words: " On 24 May, PIME missionary Fr Mario Vergara and Isidore Ngei Ko Lat, his faithful catechist, will be beatified at Aversa. The two were killed in 1950 in Burma, out of hatred for the Christian faith. May their heroic fidelity to Christ be an encouragement and example to missionaries and especially catechists in mission lands who carry out important and irreplaceable apostolic work, for which the whole Church is grateful".
Father Mario Vergara was born in Frattamaggiore in 1910. Ordained a priest on August 28, 1934, at the end of September he left for Burma, he was entrusted the district Citaciò in the mountains and forests of Soku, one of the Kayin. With the help of catechists he faced countless hardships. During World War II, in 1941 he was interned, with all the Italian missionaries in British concentration camps in India, where he stayed for 4 years. After a period spent in Italy he returned to Burma, and went on a new mission among the Red Kayin, east of Loikaw, near the Salween River. After independence from England (1948), riots and civil war broke out between government and Kayin rebels. Father Vergara takes up the defense of the oppressed, and was very much hated by the rebels operating in that area. When on May 24, 1950 Father Vergara, together with the catechist Isidore went to demand the release of another catechist who had been arrested, he was faced by the rebel leader Richmond, after a tough interrogation, he orders their arrest. Both were massacred on the banks of the Salween River, probably in the early hours of May 25. Their bodies, sealed in a bag, were thrown into the river.
Not much is known about the life of the catechist Isidore Ngei Ko Lat, who is the first Burmese faithful to be beatified. Baptized on September 7, 1918, Isidoro belonged to a family of farmers, who converted to Catholicism. As a child he attended the missionaries and often went with them. He entered the minor seminary in Toungoo, demonstrating zeal and commitment, but because of poor health he had to return to his family . However, he decided to dedicate his life to the Lord, he did not get married and opened a private free school, where he held catechism classes. In 1948 he met Fr.Vergara, who invited him to carry out the service of catechist in Shadaw. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 23/05/2014)

22 May, 2014

A Saint, a Wife, a Mothe, a Nun...Rita was a help

     Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Rita. Our order rejoices with her intercession. She, Rita is our patroness, personally i have experienced he intercession. I remember when i was a postulant, in the Philippines, i had difficulties continuing the seminary life, i thought of going out of seminary. I felt pressure, I missed my parents, my home land, my brothers and sisters and of course, my friends.
      I thought many times to get out of it, yet i said to myself, if i love Jesus why should i be weak. I knew love conquers everything. Then I was inspired to ask intercession of St Rita. I ask her fervently that i'like to remain in the seminary then become a priest, not for myself, not for my family but for all, that i want to serve people. I did pray for some time, not continuously yet it was quite effective. I unknowingly receive grace to continue, then later we were asked to continue to go to novitiate.
During novitiate also, i encountered many difficulties, especially dryness of living monastic life. I felt many times my prayers were not heard.  I felt going home again. It was also st. Rita help me remain in the seminary again. I never realized that she is such a powerful intercessor, and our patroness. Because, i think, she experienced many life disturbances, to be obedient, to be chaste, to be humble, to be patient, to be loving, to be forgiving, all such ideal christian virtues. I am one, very happy to belong one of the Augustinian order serving the Lord and His church where we have saints as our living examples, loving the Lord with all our hearts.
        I am grateful to God and people he allowed me to encounter, especially i appreciate their prayers offered so that we will continue to live in love, to serve. St. Rita was one of the many examples who is distinguished from the rest as her love, patience, charity, hope were above her self-love. She bowed until her forehead touch the ground yet she was raised by someone who is the author of Life. Thanks be to God. To God be the Glory, forever.


19 May, 2014

Saint John Paul II, the life of a Holy Pope

16 May, 2014


I apologize for the inconvenience...
i am still upgrading it's structure.
Thanks and God bless you...

13 May, 2014


          I love technology, i love it deeply. It helped to exercise my desires in many areas of my interest. I love to help people too, and since i love technology i am always on it. Reading, doing some kind of research and sometime browsing or social networking. I am inclined to study how does a computer work and carries out information we need. So I do a form of self study. Learning something everyday and how to manage them. By benefiting from these day to day experience i happen to know a little more than normal users. I help people from my community when they need computer service. Installing, formatting windows OS and installation of other softwares and removing virus and adwares etc. When i am successful i am so happy and proud to be doing it over and over again. This is the reason i love it so deeply.
  I even thank God for technology. Because it allows me to do what i am interested. But for a while i am so sunk into it. I feel restless. I do not know what to do and i wasn't sure of what i was doing at certain moments. Ok, i found something. I did not know that i needed rest from what i am doing. It was I needed to be disconnected. I needed my reflection over my day to day life. 
   It was a need to revive my tired spirit from too much information loaded in my head and left me heavy with so many ideas running across in the brain. I decided to leave for a while, if possible I will not continue over a span of year of so. I am revived, i felt so refreshed. I prayed, I read books, I do the services i need to finish. I sleep so well. I eat my food with good appetite. They all were the benefits of leaving myself disconnected from media and social networking.
     I thank again, and prayed to God that "oh Lord, you are great, You have made me see the foolishness i was doing. And you gave me the courage to decide and do what i needed to do. Thank you for this opportunity to leave things became so close to us unnecessarily. So with this joy i would like to share a link to you. May God bless us in what we are doing and it may help our friendship strengthened with God and with our neighbour.


           The darkness of this world is always ready to take over or to control someone in order to make him a slaver. One may not necessarily notice himself or herself as a slave to certain habits. When talking about slavery, here, i am not talking about a human slave another human master. Here i am trying to point out that slavery here means being under certain habits, customs which are undeniably difficult to release oneself from it. The slavery is not forced physical forced labour rather it is a difficult attachment to certain things, certain use of objects and so on.
          For example, a drug doer is a slave to drugs and he would honestly admit it as well as a heavy smoker would do. I asked a heavy smoker that do you know that you are burning your lungs, she said, yes, i know, i am well aware of that. then she continued, why did you ask me? Don't do it. it is bad for you, never do it. Ok. thanks, i said. but i continued, you knew well that the danger of cigarettes and you still continue? She said, oh well, i don't know why i continue, i do not want , but i can't deny the thirst to smoke." Her answer would be plausible that she has incapacity to refuse and stop smoking but she can't. Otherwise she admits that she is a slave to it.
    It was an example how objects enslave us. Out there are many other things that are enslaving us, like these days, pornography is one of the most addicted thing. Both teenagers male and female, adults male and female. It is gradually enslaving our human society. Driving the society to the edge of objectifying human sexuality.  Sexual images are viewed as something intended for pleasure. In its very nature, human sexuality is always accompanied by its intimacy between a man and a woman of legal marriage. Nowadays, it has become an object of pleasure purpose only.
      heavy drinking is always a form of slavery that enslave us. In this case is composed of majority of men. Some men would think that they might be freed from worries if they drink heavily, some think that when they are happy surrounded by friends they should drink. If reason really reigns in their heads, there shouldn't be as such.
       Some are mildly enslaved, like facebook and other forms of social networking. Some said that they even forgot to eat while they are on facebook. and some even leave their facebook logged on 24/7.(i don't use facebook, i cancelled everything lately, i was one addicted to it, now i am free....Yeahhhhh)
             In my simple opinion, we are free, and we should always be free from any bondage. We should know which are enslaving, drowning us into the deep. Unless we can't see these things no one can let us see. We have to open up our eyes to see what is inside us and what is happening with us. Most of us tried to undestand the universe talking about black-holes and about stares yet we still don't understand the real need of our heart. "In order to know ourselves, we need to go back into the heart" said St. Augustine. May the Lord bless us to find ourselves in a near future, discovering all that enslave us one way or another.
  Now i feel more free to write in this blog than to post anything on facebook waiting that other would click LIKE! Now no more. Viva la libertà.

10 May, 2014

Disconnect to Reconnect

          I love technology, i love it deeply. It helped to exercise
my desires in many areas of my interest. I love to help people too, and
since i love technology i am always on it. Reading, doing some kind of
research and sometime browsing or social networking. I am inclined to
study how does a computer work and carries out information we need. So I
do a form of self study. Learning something everyday and how to manage
them. By benefiting from these day to day experience i happen to know a
little more than normal users. I help people from my community when they
need computer service. Installing, formatting windows OS and
installation of other softwares and removing virus and adwares etc. When
i am successful i am so happy and proud to be doing it over and over
again. This is the reason i love it so deeply.

  I even thank God
for technology. Because it allows me to do what i am interested. But for
a while i am so sunk into it. I feel restless. I do not know what to do
and i wasn't sure of what i was doing at certain moments. Ok, i found
something. I did not know that i needed rest from what i am doing. It
was I needed to be disconnected. I needed my reflection over my day to
day life. 

   It was a need to revive my tired spirit from too
much information loaded in my head and left me heavy with so many ideas
running across in the brain. I decided to leave for a while, if possible
I will not continue over a span of year of so. I am revived, i felt so
refreshed. I prayed, I read books, I do the services i need to finish. I
sleep so well. I eat my food with good appetite. They all were the
benefits of leaving myself disconnected from media and social

     I thank again, and prayed to God that "oh Lord,
you are great, You have made me see the foolishness i was doing. And you
gave me the courage to decide and do what i needed to do. Thank you for
this opportunity to leave things became so close to us unnecessarily.
So with this joy i would like to share a link to you. May God bless us
in what we are doing and it may help our friendship strengthened with
God and with our neighbour.

09 May, 2014

Reason: most essential

         Human beings love freedom. It has been accompanying all thru history. Certainly, it has played a crucial part of each creature and obviously without freedom in its most general terms, no one can make any progress in history, inventions, developments, cultures and so on. In any aspect of gradual development of everything is related to freedom exercising it its most profound sense of having minimal negative effect, rather giving most positive results to both doer and done. However, if negative effects of certain exercise in freedom are somewhat neglected they might be subject to manipulation.
     Certainly, there is a need of defining what really is most beneficial way of exercising freedom. In regard to this, there will be further defining of its exercising. How shall we? We know that in every act we act there is always effect, even when we speak there is a result as an effect that one hears. And our intention is that we speak so that we will be heard. We move around that we will fulfill some outcome. Therefore, again we still need to refine our intention in regard to its effect both positive and negative. In as much as we have an intelligence by which we determine every particular event around us. We reason out by its potency. We judge by it saying certain things are good and some are not, some are beneficial and some are not.
     So, then our intention is both beneficial when we act, meaning it may have the good of the agent, and outcome too is good. This is an example of an agent and the result of its action. Unless we understand implications of our actions when we act and the intention of why we act, and the possible immediate and remote effects of it we will be able to see the most positive results in every action.
   Though we may knowledgeable of these realities there are certain circumstances that we normally choose are good to us but in the long run it might be harmful to the society. Indeed it has been a central point of our discussion here, and more on globalization of our age. There is a tendency to globalize customs and ways of reasoning. Our clear vision is sometimes blurred when we are confronted with much information in our day to day life. We think something is right when much information is forced into our heads. Like Hitler said to his men, Repeat our belief into the ears, not two times, but repeat until it is believed by the people." It clearly shows our weakness to reason. When information is repeatedly given way into our head, we no longer reason out things becoming familiar to us.
    Rather we just believe it as if it is true. We don't critique anymore. We just close our eyes and believe what information gives us. So it is happening in our day. I know for sure that in Myanmar it is not a custom that ladies would wear revealing clothing. Especially pants so short leaving the whole leg open. And blouses leaving the chest open. These things were so recent. After seeing Korean films and Hollywood films girls tend to follow. However, this is never done before, but for me, what is the reason these women want their private bodies parts be seen? In the west, it is a custom that men wear decently covering everything, leaving only face and fingers be seen...this is a culture. Why women can leave open her body as if it an object to in the showcase?
    It is a clear sign of influence which is left without reason in the minds of Myanmar ladies. Because in Myanmar it is understood indecent a woman who opens her legs and her chest to be seen. Women are given high respect, we always measure older women as our mother and younger as our sister. Which sane person would like to see his mother or sister chest open, legs and thighs are open? Western culture has destroyed partly our way of reasoning. Unless we realize what is going on in our thoughts, how is our ways of reasoning we cannot go against the flow of this world. I am sure that my opinions expressed here are not regressive ideas rather, i would be glad to be accepted as, normal, sane and a simple reminder for the current trend.
Every person understand the word sexy, meaning arousing sexual desire it refers to a provoking, revealing of a person to an opposite sex. Nowadays, it has been reduced from its original meaning to substitute the word 'beautiful' or 'pretty' which we usually use to describe to a woman. Personally for me is best, and i feel comfortable to compliment a woman as pretty or beautiful. I find it so difficult to compliment someone with oh you are sexy, since i am aware the meaning of the word, so clear in my mind. I always avoid to use the word. In my eyes, woman are precious, they are God given gift to man, by her man feels secure. Man and woman compliments each other. One is empty when there is no opposite to fulfill the other part.
     As a Myanmar man, i am strongly convinced that  my beliefs are right which stand on the cultural background where equality is given priority, no one is inferior to anyone, rather...we have a conviction that respect should be given to anyone and love is for all. This is our freedom to practice equality both beneficial to us and to the remote or immediate effects.

07 May, 2014

think twice for democracy

               What's happening around us, in all the news paper there will be headlines of terrorism, injustice, murder, famine and human rights groups' loud voice and so on. How about the ruling systems in this world? The loop holes in democracy makes modern man more miserable. Yes, it does, its like two wolf voting against a lamb who will eat the lamb. How about dictatorship? more or less the same. The only difference between these two ruling systems is that democracy is a system composed with many people while dictatorship is only one. Both has difficulties, injustices, wickedness, long term plan to destroy one's enemy.
      Even so called just, the UN is bias, in my opinion. The UN will force the third world countries with its power. America will block all the trade, forces international banks to stop operating in a particular sanctioned country. They did, yes, to our country. Who suffer in reality? Not the Dictator or his family or a single person from his trusted circle. In reality the citizens of Burma are the ones suffering  immense troubles coming from different aspects of day to day struggle to live. Less education, less health care, less income, less ...less and everything is less.Then where is justice?
        The dictator government feels easy, nothing to worry, while the citizens are bearing the troubles. We have suffered heavy yokes of dictatorship. The world is suffering the pains of democracy. If we follow as UN and the west suggesting to transform like them to democracy, what will then we expect. More pains?
    They say, they want democracy in Burma? Well, would that be so easy? What do you expect when we have democracy? Peace? Economy? Justice? Human rights to its fullness? Nah, expect nothing. When there is democracy...the western companies will come inside freely and exploit, leave their uncultured customs and traditions. As we can hear now, people said, "there is no democracy in Burma in its fullness. Some people are still struggling for their rights." Yeah its true. Does that mean that "when there is democracy there is justice following its tail? Democracy would make the country more chaotic, I guess. I have completely lost my trust both democracy and dictatorship. Both have difficulties on attaining justice and peace. 
    In my understanding, practicing democracy in one's country is like cutting off all the fence of a household and saying we are open and we welcome everyone, we are free. But in reality, it becomes more chaotic by having accessed by all, known and unknown, good and bad. Nothing remain stable in such a house because of its structure. Everyone has full right to do what one wants. There is no more respect for anyone. Social norms became an extra thing. People discard the old traditions of the society and of course they loose them becoming more or less like the west where democracy originated. People became slave of absolute liberty where it doesn't exist in reality. People demanding a full freedom is not yet free, indeed.
      While practicing dictator ship is enclosing one's household with a wall higher than the house. Everything is closed. House members are not in peace, they are forced to keep their mouth shut in respect to democracy in which everyone has every right to raise voice whether sensible or not, reasonable or not, right or wrong.  With dictatorship people lose every dignity and right of theirs, so as does democracy. The world has journey through a lot of political struggle like Socialism, Nazism, Communism and finally democracy. What shall come next. Will the world be at an edge when all countries in the world become practicing democracy. Will peace be granted so as well justice? No, no one can grant such as peace and justice and well being of each individual? Then why should we pursue such idealism as democracy. Since before, Plato has warned the dangers of democracy. It will put the world into peace. A nation with greater power will annihilate a nation with lesser power. This is why B!@#€h America is trying its best to remain as the most powerful world in the world. Politically, ideologically, economically it tries its best to remain. Mostly thru political and entertainments. In entertainment it is trying its best to show itself as the savior of the world from wars, a nation which gives donations to disaster-hit nations. However, its nature can't be hidden, a wolf in under the skin of a sheep.
     As a person, I love freedom and discipline. Not democracy, because democracy can only give a superficial freedom, a bitter medicine covered with sugar coating. A true freedom present in the heart of each individual together with responsibility and most importantly LOVE, which does not see faults and forgiving. Since Love rule its citizens without a sword. I long for that day and wish you do the same. We need to teach ourselves to love infinitely and others as we ourselves.

01 May, 2014

a prayer of a heart seeking the Lord

           I did not know what place will be placed. As far as I can see, I am given a chance to learn and reflect from others, as guiding myself, i guide some persons. As i pray for others, i pray for myself. Seeing others I see my image in them.i am grateful for an invisible person who promised to be with us in every mili-second of our life here on this earth. I am firmly convinced that i am not alone struggling here but there is someone who understand me more than i understand myself. How can i be grateful to the person who is without any losing of patience to guide when we are wrong, understand when we are weak, console when we are hurt. HIS image of love is reflected in the love of parents.
        Each day, growing in spiritual life is really hard if there is no asking of help from divine. Our failures make us realize how we are weak and unstable in everything, from thinking to performing some little stuff. We might have offended someone without knowing, and we too can be offended by someone without intention. Our imperfect reasoning makes us to rely on the one who is mightier than us. We search always: for a place where we feel we are well protected, well guided and well preserved. There is only one secure place, where are satisfied from every desire. It is in the bosom of our Lord, whose heart is big enough to release us from every wrong we have done against him and against our neighbour. Lord, have Pity on us, Jesus.

30 April, 2014

Lord, Thank you.

O Dear Lord,
     Thank you for my birth!
         thank you for my coming death.
             As I am living give me conversion, being with you.
                  None else that I want. Amen.

22 April, 2014

Two points...

            It has been so long time I haven't write anything for this blog. By the reason of being transferred from one place to another, adjusting to fit oneself in new culture and custom is seemingly difficult one, taking time of unknown measure, one doesn't know when will be the end of these adjustments and familiarizing everything around. Though without divine assistance it could have been impossible to progress in faith and daily experience. People might ask, how could you feel any divine assistance. Yes, they are right to be curious that how one is sensitive to the grace of a God who can't be touched, smelled or there is nothing of tangibleness.
       In my opinion, it is plausible that there would be people who have difficulty to imagine the grace of God or whatsoever extraordinary experience. However, the grace of God is nothing extraordinary, nothing supernatural. Because God has promised that he will be with us, then it is very natural to experience God's grace. But how to experience, then? It is a difficult question to handle since it is always personal experience of a belief that divine assistance is encountered. Generally, these personal encounters with divine assistance can be unified in the basis facts they agree upon. The most important one is to reflect and realized events happening in our past expereinces. By scrutinizing them one eventually will come to see, 'Oh, it has been seemingly difficult to handle yet I don't how it was solved.' And so on, these surprises will gradually surface during the process of self-interrogation, serious reflections, and recognizing one's weakness in the course of time. Then, there comes, realization of the presence of divine assistance. This process really takes time and more of humility of the heart. A proud man's heart cannot be open to divine assistance because he will insist that all the success is achieved through his intelligence or capacity, and the failures were because of ill-fate.
      A humble person will attribute every success to divine assistance which he say, he is not worthy to have it yet, it was God's special favor for his children.This is not the only attribution and there are more of it, for example, simply praying...'O Lord, your ways are more perfect than the ways i chose for myself' and one would accept failures as God's intervention for a better purpose. It is very beautiful since it is always attributed to God and even in the time of big failure, it helps us to recover immediately after realizing it as God's plan for us. No bitter feelings remain in the heart accusing our neighbor as the cause of our failure and blaming ourselves for incapacity. Human beings are made as human beings with capacities of a human being. It would be hurtful for both parties forcing or expecting someone to be perfect in his/her behavior, attitude etc... Although, i think, no one knows what really is perfection in every aspect of day to day life. We simply guess and impose our thoughts on someone over whom we expect perfection. It was the Jews thought that Jesus lacks perfection to claim as the Son of God the most high. Then with their prejudices they had him killed so that there would be no one among them arises claiming to be the son of God.
        Finally, I summarize two points, first realizing God's assistance in our day to day life in which we experience ups and downs. The second is realizing our imperfection in very moment of our life. By these very two facts we will be able to go a little upward in spiritual life, balancing all our expectations, hopes and desires with failures, unwanted results and difficulties.
Wish you a blessings-filled day to you..