Lemuel The Servant


St.Augusitine writing Confessions

While remembering all his youthful follies, he remembers how God's unfarthomable grace has been a shield for him, how grace leads to discover his faith into Three in One God.

Divine Illumination

St: Augustine receive divine illumination from Jesus the Son of God and Mary, the mother of Jesus, enlightening him while he is writing his discourse.

St.MONICA and St.AUGUSTINE at Ecstacy at Ostia

Two saints, mother and son receive a vision of heaven at Ostia, near Rome. It was the last moment of the two being together, looking heaven ward, and later St.Monica died and was buried there.

Seminarians on the wall.

With co-seminarians, where trying to escape the scourging sunlight, sitting on the fence and keeping ourselves calm with jokes.

Rosary Garden at Tabor Hill, Talamban

A place of prayer and peace, a place of love and charity where being together with the mother of our Divine Lord, and recitation of Holy Rosary knocks the doors of Heaven.

28 June, 2012

Prayer for a Computer

    Every evening
    As I'm laying here in bed
    This tiny little prayer
    Keeps running through my head
    God bless my Mom and Dad
    And bless my little pup
    And look out for my brother
    When things aren't looking up
    And God, there's one more thing
    I wish that you could do
    Hope you don't mind me asking
    But please bless my computer  too?
    Now I know that's not normal
    To bless a mother board
    But just listen a second
    While I explain to you `My Lord`
    You see, that little metal box
    Holds more to me than odds & ends
    Inside those small compartments
    Rest a hundred of my `BESTFRIENDS`
    Some it's true I've never seen
    And most I've never met
    We've never exchanged hugs
    Or shared a meal as yet....
    I know for sure they like me
    By the kindness that they give
    And this little scrap of metal
    Is how I travel to where they live
    By faith is how I know them
    Much the same as you
    I share in what life brings them
    From that our friendship grew
    "PLEASE" Take an extra minute
    From your duties up above
    To bless this scrap of metal
    That's filled with so much love!


LORD, HERE I AM.: RECYCLED RELATIONSHIP!:         Hai Friends, Happy to meet you all after a long time.  Meanwhile though I have written some of my reflections, at first I would li...

22 June, 2012

Prayers needed...

http://blog.themonastery.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Jesus-Disciples-Ordination1.jpg          "Do you love me, Peter?" the Lord asked. Peter answered, "Yes, Lord you know that I love you." what if I ask you "Do you Love the Lord Jesus?" You will surely answer "Yes, I do Love." What if I ask you again,
          "Do you love the Catholic church founded by Christ Jesus?" And again what would you do to a person whom you love with your soul?
         It is a need, yes, it is. Because I, little by little discovered that vocation to priesthood or brotherhood is already lessened. Probably because of the attraction of the world. There are too many reasons but if we are determine to follow the Lord's footsteps we will surely be given grace to accomplish it.
        These days... I've met friends who were together with us two years previously in the seminary. They say life there outside is hard but when I ask them to come back they are hesitant. I  have encouraged them that the  Good Lord is always willing to receive us. My little brain was not able to find out what is their hesitation to receive the vocation. Or should I think the way in the gospel, 'many are called, a few are chosen.'
       This is the best time to share our charity toward those priest-to-be and wanna-be-priest. Let us pray for them. And it would be a form of fulfilling our Christ-given duty of each christian.
             I am also praying for friends that they may find life in God. To protest the world of self-centeredness we need to be with the Lord. By having Evangelical Vows we will see the Kingdom more clearly as these vows are light to our path.
      May the Mother of Consolation intercede for Seminarians and Priests....

17 June, 2012

Leave what you posses O People

         Lord, Deliver me from this state of life! or Lord help me come out of this unpleasant situation! Yes, probably this kind of prayer we often prayed and will pray. The Question may be raised, Why do we have to pray as such...Because there is something higher we know that we can attain. By God's grace we have to transcend.
           NO matter how tremendous our sins may be, the Merciful Lord surely knows we merit his graces or not. I guess you and I, no one is worthy of the Lord. But out of his abundant mercy he showers his grace. For instance, sun rays are spread without discrimination, white or black, male or female, sinner or saint. Everyone receive equal amount of sunlight as well as time.
          A friend of mine inform me that there are people receiving Holy communion without proper preparation. And there are people who regularly attend Holy Sacrifice of the Lord, who knowingly or unknowingly committed premarital relationship with opposite. Are they worthy? And if you ask yourself that, am i also worthy? None! I do not promote intimate relationship between men and women before marriage. But, What should we do?
         Yes, if you are a catholic, there is, where you can reconcile with the lord. You will be freed from the burden of sins. It is called sacrament of Reconciliation...
        Come on! Just get out of sins. Live a happy life with a clear conscience. When our conscience is guilty we are no longer free... Something too heavy over us, oppressing us. First you need to accept you are sinner and then you must have a desire to get out of this sinfulness. By which your heart is opened up to the Lord, the healer.
       A father certainly knows how his children are, he doesn't want his children cry or experience bitterness. He wouldn't force his children to take some bitter medicine too, to be cured.
      It is Lord Jesus, who is a father to us, unless we go to him and open up our hearts he would not force anyone to be healed. He DOES waits our consent then heal us till we are strong.       
      I do not force you to believe this but this comes only thru personal experience with the Lord. Leave your sinfulness and negative thinking that you are the biggest sinner among sinners. And you THINK that the Lord will not forgive you anymore. It's totally absurd because Our Lord is Almighty. He Does what he wants. Can the creator of the Universe(s) able to forgive me since I have committed such a numerous sins in the short life of mine? If you think this way, there is something wrong, it may be named as hopelessness. Hopelessness is sins against Holy Spirit.
      So I would encourage you and I, myself to come out of this, and lead a life in the Lord. How nice it is.
Let us be united in the Lord of Mercy

By this post, May our Lord Bless Fathers, esp My Beloved Father who abandoned his self to nurture his Children!

15 June, 2012

Vatican bids to own all “.catholic” internet domains

".catholic" will be among the new generation of online domain names and the Vatican wants full control over who can and cannot use it.
Cindy Wooden
United Kingdom
June 14, 2012
Catholic Church News Image of Vatican bids to own all “.catholic” internet domains
The Vatican is in line to control the new Internet address extension “.catholic” and decide who is allowed to use it.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a non-profit corporation that co-ordinates the assignment of internet domain names and addresses around the world, announced the Vatican’s formal application today in London.
The corporation is overseeing a huge expansion in the number of internet extensions beyond the standard .com, .org., .edu and .gov. The extensions formally are known as generic top-level domains. The assignment of country-code top-level domains, like the Vatican’s own .va, will not be affected by the change.
Mgr Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, said that the Vatican’s application to control the top-level domain .catholic “is a recognition of how important the digital space is for the Church”.
Controlling the domain “will be a way to authenticate the Catholic presence online”, Mgr Tighe said. The Vatican plans to allow “institutions and communities that have canonical recognition” to use the extension, “so people online – Catholics and non-Catholics – will know a site is authentically Catholic”.
The Vatican does not plan to allow individual bloggers or private Catholics to use “.catholic”, Mgr Tighe said. Use of the domain would be limited to those with a formal canonical recognition: dioceses, parishes and other territorial church jurisdictions; religious orders and other canonically recognised communities; and Catholic institutions such as universities, schools and hospitals.
Full Story: Vatican to control ‘.catholic’ internet domain
Source: Catholic Herald

Discoveries on the Cloak of the Virgin of Guadalupe, English