Lemuel The Servant


22 June, 2012

Prayers needed...

http://blog.themonastery.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Jesus-Disciples-Ordination1.jpg          "Do you love me, Peter?" the Lord asked. Peter answered, "Yes, Lord you know that I love you." what if I ask you "Do you Love the Lord Jesus?" You will surely answer "Yes, I do Love." What if I ask you again,
          "Do you love the Catholic church founded by Christ Jesus?" And again what would you do to a person whom you love with your soul?
         It is a need, yes, it is. Because I, little by little discovered that vocation to priesthood or brotherhood is already lessened. Probably because of the attraction of the world. There are too many reasons but if we are determine to follow the Lord's footsteps we will surely be given grace to accomplish it.
        These days... I've met friends who were together with us two years previously in the seminary. They say life there outside is hard but when I ask them to come back they are hesitant. I  have encouraged them that the  Good Lord is always willing to receive us. My little brain was not able to find out what is their hesitation to receive the vocation. Or should I think the way in the gospel, 'many are called, a few are chosen.'
       This is the best time to share our charity toward those priest-to-be and wanna-be-priest. Let us pray for them. And it would be a form of fulfilling our Christ-given duty of each christian.
             I am also praying for friends that they may find life in God. To protest the world of self-centeredness we need to be with the Lord. By having Evangelical Vows we will see the Kingdom more clearly as these vows are light to our path.
      May the Mother of Consolation intercede for Seminarians and Priests....