Lemuel The Servant


23 July, 2012

So small a God

                A God, who became so small in order to reveal himself to his people, is our God, three persons in one. Logically the creator must be greater than the created things. The inventor must be more intelligent than invented things. Likewise our God must be so great that he created the universes and many planets that contain extremely sophisticated living beings. Not only them, but also they are well developed creatures as well as the plants and animals. I heard there was a scientist speaking to plants and they say the plants listen to him well as they give him nice flowers and slowly giving him response as if they understand human language. How wonderful this world is. No one has ever discovered everything, the mysteries of this world.
                When we think of this earth planet, it is one of the small planets in this solar system but full of undiscovered mysteries. Imagine we live in this small world and we are trying to think of God who is the author or the creator of this universe. In order to perceive him he made himself so small so that people can think of him in our little brains/intellectual capacity. In a similar way, St. Augustine (345-430 AD) had an experience of this in his life time after conversion to Catholicism. When he was pondering(trying to understand) the mystery of Holy Trinity while walking on the seashore he saw a boy pouring sea water into a little hole which he made in the sand. St. Augustine was amused to see and asked the boy what he is doing, the boy answered I want to empty the sea that’s why I am pouring the sea water into this hole.
                St. Augustine heartily laughed and said to the boy, “Boy, Is it possible that you can empty the sea water by pouring it into the hole you made?” The boy stood up and said, “Well, you are doing the same like me, because you are trying to think what your little brain cannot understand the Holy Trinity.” He was surprised by the words of the boy and while looking at the boy, he saw and angel who changed himself from the figure of a boy to his original figure.
 How difficult it is to grasp your thoughts, O God! Their number cannot be counted. If I tried to do so, they would outnumber the sands; I am never finished with you. (Ps 139:17-18)
                Oh God, our brains are too small to put you inside and think of you! But help us to understand your ways so that we walk in truth to reach your house. Well I guess we can’t even perceive at least 1% of the mysteries of God, it’s just too deep. So small are our brains and intellectual capacity. And there are people who have smaller brains than ours (or they just don’t have brains at all), who say there is no God, or to see is to believe (taught by philosophers). It’s so pitiable.
Note: How absurd it is when people claim that he has seen God or he has conversed with God. There is a man who is claiming to be the son of God and he said he always talks to God the father and Jesus (his brother) was always there in their conversation. He’s living in this Philippines.