Lemuel The Servant


14 August, 2012

Rejoice With Me

Dear Friends!

             Praise the Lord. For his Greatness, for his infinite wisdom and unfathomable mercy upon his children. I have recovered from a serious illness. I was stricken by Dengue and was hospitalized for four days. Before hospitalization I was having five-days fever which made my white blood cell count so low then I was hospitalized. When the doctor sees my medical result of CBC( blood count) she immediately asked me not to go back to the seminary but to be admitted in the hospital immediately.  The doctors and nurses were very caring and I want to share the experience with the doctor who helped me recover so fast. She did not charge us anything but gave us a good care while I was in the hospital. 

          Thanks to OAD Community, which paid all the medical expenses.Though the Doctor's professional charge was free, the Hospital charge was costly but I recovered quickly. The sickness I had was because of my negligence only. I was not aware of the mosquitoes but ignorant of it. Then when the sickness comes I really regretted having neglected about it. 

         Above all, God was so merciful that he did not allow me to suffer so long. I was praying then the strength came little by little in my limbs. Until now, my legs are not so firmed but I can move here and there. I can't stay standing for a long time, the legs become trembling then that is the time I have to sit or lean on the nearest wall or chair. 

       And I would like to thank to all those who are praying for me and to all those who visited me while I was confined in the Perpetual Succor Hospital. 

                 So My brothers and sisters, rejoice with me.


Thank You So Much!