Lemuel The Servant


16 November, 2012

You are called

This story is based on the life and conversion of a nominal Catholic to a practicing Catholic.

         It was a beautiful day, but for Mark, it wasn't so because he is bedridden for more than five years. he has not seen stars, moon and has not breathed fresh breezes for so long. Even if the people around him bring him outside of the house, he couldn't enjoy. Thinking his fate, 'what a bad fate.'
        since he is in the bed for many days and night, long hours of sleeplessness, he still felt happy. He had been a bad guy in this tiny village of theirs. He is not so committed to either to his duty as a husband and father of four lovely kids or practicing the faith he has professed long ago. Kids, normally are afraid to come near to him as he is not welcoming to them. Nonetheless, they are always around their mother, who, is caring and understanding though her husband is not.
      Mark has heard this strange calls in his ears at night while struggling to get some sleep. When he is half asleep, he clearly heard "Come." what would this mean, and who is urging him to come. How could I? I am bedridden for so long. He has dropped his hope of coming out of his bed. He is just waiting for the death to come and take his life. He has no thought of exercising his normal life before. And not only this, what matter is his age. He is not young any longer, 50 years old already.
        At first, he is doubtful of the voice, he thought of it as a kind of noise or his hearing is already impaired. But when this unknown voice calling him to come is already been so long. It has not stop a single night. He neglected it but later he notice that this call is something strange and there must also be something supernatural. because he asked his wife, beside him, "did you hear a voice saying 'Come,' his wife said 'No." It is not a single time that he ask his wife about it. And she asked him 'why'?
          Then days passed by, surprisingly he was told by his Mother of 80 years of age, the deeply devout woman, said, "Mark, Son  Please pray to the Lord Jesus for healing or whatever you want."  So that he can heal or do whatever he wanted for you." Just entrust yourself to him. There is nothing impossible for our Lord.
         When this thought came to his mind, he started to pray and pray as he is always in the bed. One day he dreamed of our Lord Jesus in the dream, Mark asked "Lord, why do you call me 'Come' always. I am bedridden for so long. Is there anything I can do for you? If so please heal me."
          Weeks passed quickly. Mark has forgot that he prayed to our Lord. Then, suddenly, he heard "Come" a command! which he heard, so familiar, but this time is louder and clearer to him. Then he fell asleep instantly. A centipede fell on him from his thatch roof which he is always looking through these years. He tried to asked for help, unfortunately neither his hands moving nor his voice coming out. The insect crawled onward his neck, then gave a sharp bite on the skin. He felt pain so much even though he could react nothing to that little nasty insect.
        Next day morning, he was awakened by his wife telling him that what would he like to eat. He has no appetite at all, all he wants is to leave his bed. He stretched out his hands, then suddenly he was push by someone that he jumped off his bed. Then personally went to comfort room and later he is found trying to find a bible. His wife saw and was astounded seeing him walking. He looked at his wife as if she is seeing an alien from other world and she could not say a word. He felt a bit angry about it. Why should she looking at him like this?
        Oh, Yes! he remember that he had been lying in bed for years. Now, why is he able to walk again. Since he is able to walk again he is has already a desire to read the bible. In his teenage years, he did not receive education well because he has been an disobedient one. Either he has not gone to the college for a proper degree. He just dropped out before his college degree. Though he just continue to read the bible day after day. Strange enough, whatever he read, he remember so well that even the chapter and verse numbers are as if hard written in his memory.
       After someday, he found himself so willing to go to Holy Mass and he went. He gave thanks to the lord as he listen to the prayers of the priest and offered prayers for his family and friends. Soon afterwards he heard many criticisms from other christian denomination regarding the practices of Catholic Church. He is very curious about it. Why are they saying these things? Mark went and visited a neighbour who is repeating the words of their church's pastor. He said, Catholic Mass is un-biblical and other accusations related to saints and Mother Mary. He debated with his neighbour until his neighbour said he just says that he is just repeating his pastor and continues that he will try to ask the pastor about it. The spark has created a big fire. The neighbour got upset about the response of his pastor but h just kept silence. Later the pastor sent a message to him that if he would like they would like to talk about it cos the pastor already knew that this fellow is not so well versed in the biblical knowledge.
          At first he trembled when he heard of the message of the pastor. But what has he got to do is to pray and entrust his challenge to Mother Mary that she protect him. Yes, he gave the response to the pastor. They met in a secluded area, what he brought is a Catholic Bible and a rosary. The pastor brought doctrinal books about protestantism and other books too. Before they start the debate, Mark ask the pastor that they will find a solution. If he wins the debate the pastor should be converted to Catholicism, but if he fails he will be a protestant like the pastor.
     "Okay" said the pastor with confidence believing that Catholics are wrong. They started the Debate, the people listening their debate was so much attracted as if they forgot to breath sometime. Their argument is so tense  that they took so long in their discussion. Finally, Mark, the biblically-uneducated-person won the debate. Therefor, the pastor has to change his beliefs in protestantism.
      Mark realized that his victory over the baptist pastor is not his own but it was given to him by our Lord Jesus and of course thru the intercession of Mother Mary. His battle is not yet ceased because the news of the victory of him spread the whole town, folks are talking about this matter and it shook some pastors.
       Some pastors are so furious that they like to challenge him. But for Mark, there should be an agreement that if he wins the pastor should change, if he fails he would change. Many pastor agreed and had debate. They fail and they had to change, they came back to catholicism. Many fallen Catholics too, after talking to him or questioning him, they realized and came back to the flock of Jesus, the Catholic Church.

    Give thanks to the Lord who works wonders.

N.B. Mark(name changed) is still alive in the Philippines and converting the fallen ones and still debating with many pastors. Among them, converted one is, a prominent, well known protestant biblical scholar pastor. The pastor is now a Catholic and is already a Lay Preacher actively participating in lay movement.