Lemuel The Servant


20 December, 2012

What should I do?

         This morning, like every morning we start our day with either communal prayer or Holy mass. But one thing is strange. The weather is not as usual. Strong winds with no sunlight. People talk about the so called evil plan, the RH Bill in this Philippines. Priests and devout catholic are murmuring about this plan. They say politicians and the President are no longer protecting the citizens. The voters in the congress and the other related people are bribed and threatened in order to have the RH Bill passed. What shall we do?
           As a Catholic I am really sad, how could I express this sorrow? They want to bring this bill of Death in this Christmas season? On the other hand I am ready to oppose it whatever it may cost. Life or death no matter what lies ahead. I am even happy to help pray for a soul to be saved, my life and my mission is already fulfilled. I do not want to blame anyone anymore. Let them exercise their power and freedom. Jesus has entrusted us with this mission, not to follow the rulers of this world which is corruption in every way.
       In the Philippine daily news I see the people rejoicing because this evil plan is brought out in this little society. I do not wish to see them in sorrow again in the future. As a foreigner living in this Philippines, I feel pity  on the natives here. They are going to suffer, the persecution of the Catholic Church is officially inaugurated in this country. And I foresee there will be more evil plans awaiting. This called for faith repentance and practice our faith. I feel sad about the supporters of this Bill, and I am wondering whether they really understand the bill or just following with the flow. 
        You know, when we fall sick we have take medicines, capsules and tablets and so on. When the tablet is bitter there will be sweet coating on it. So that we might not notice when we take. In the same manner, this Bill is covered with words like Health, Right of Filipino Women, to address poverty in the country and so on.....many sweet sounding words. 
       Majority of the supporters have not read the bill completely is a fact. They were just informed by the politicians that this would help address the poverty in the country, health and right of women. If it is the problem of the poverty why not address the monopolizing-business men and women to share their richness? Why allowed all the resources to be monopolized by the small group of people, Americans and Europeans who give them dollars and Euros what they want.
   All I can say is I AM REALLY SAD FOR NOW AND FOR THE FUTURE. May God bless us...Deliver us from Evil, Lord Jesus.