Lemuel The Servant


St.Augusitine writing Confessions

While remembering all his youthful follies, he remembers how God's unfarthomable grace has been a shield for him, how grace leads to discover his faith into Three in One God.

Divine Illumination

St: Augustine receive divine illumination from Jesus the Son of God and Mary, the mother of Jesus, enlightening him while he is writing his discourse.

St.MONICA and St.AUGUSTINE at Ecstacy at Ostia

Two saints, mother and son receive a vision of heaven at Ostia, near Rome. It was the last moment of the two being together, looking heaven ward, and later St.Monica died and was buried there.

Seminarians on the wall.

With co-seminarians, where trying to escape the scourging sunlight, sitting on the fence and keeping ourselves calm with jokes.

Rosary Garden at Tabor Hill, Talamban

A place of prayer and peace, a place of love and charity where being together with the mother of our Divine Lord, and recitation of Holy Rosary knocks the doors of Heaven.

29 October, 2010

သင္က ဘယ္လို လူစားမ်ိဳးလဲေနာ္

ဘုန္းျမင့္၏ အီးေမးမွ ကူးယူေဖာ္ျပသည္။

Some Precious words of St. Therese

              "I do not fear when I see my weakness, for the treasures of a mother belong to her child, and i am thy child, O dear Mother Mary."
          ဒီလို စကား ဆို႐ိုးေတြကိုလူတိုင္း ၾကိဳက္ၾကတယ္။ ဖတ္ျပီးေတာ့ ေတြးေနတတ္ၾကတယ္။ ၾကည္ႏူးလဲ ၾကည္ႏူးတတ္ၾကပါတယ္။
မွန္တယ္ လို႕လဲ ဩဘာေပးတတ္ၾကပါတယ္ ။ေနာက္မွ တသီၾကီးထြက္လာတဲ့ ေမးခြန္းေတြကိုေတာ့
 ႏွလုံးသားနဲ႕ ေျဖၾကရင္ ဒီေလာက ဟာအရာရာမွာ သာယာလွပေနမွာ။
            ေနာက္ျပီး ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႕ရဲ့ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းကို ေမးခြန္းထုတ္သင့္တယ္။ ငါဘယ္ေလာက္ ခရစ္ေတာ္အေပၚ ယုံၾကည္ေနမိျပီလဲ။
အကယ္၍ ၾကဳံလာရမဲ့ အေတြ႕အၾကဳံ ေတြက ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႕ရဲ့ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းကို တျဖည္းျဖည္းနဲ႕ အကဲျဖတ္သြားမွာမလြဲပါဘူးဗ်ာ
ေနာက္ျပီး ခ်စ္ျခင္း မုန္းျခင္းေတြနဲ႕ အလုပ္ရွုတ္ေနတဲ့ ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႕ဟာ အင္မတန္မွကိုပဲ ရယ္ခ်င္စရာေကာင္းပါတယ္။
           အေတြ႕အၾကဳံအရ ဆိုရင္ ခရစ္ေတာ္ကိုယံုပါတယ္ ဆိုျပီး ေလၾကီးမိုးၾကီး ေျပာေနေပမဲ့ တရားေတြအေၾကာင္း တရစပ္ေျပာေနေပမဲ့
ခရစ္ေတာ္ ရဲ့ ခ်စ္ျခင္းေမတၱာ ကိုေရာင္ျပန္မဟပ္ႏိုင္ဘူးဆိုရင္ ဘာနဲ႕တူေနမွာလဲ။ အေျပာနဲ႕မဟုပ္ လက္ေတြ႕လုပ္ဖို႕က တို႕ ကက္သလစ္
ခရစ္စတီယာန္ ေတြရဲ့ အဓိကၾကတဲ့အရာ ေတြမဟုတ္ပါလား။
           ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ဘယ္တုန္းကမွ ခရစ္ေတာ္ကိုေက်းဇူးဆပ္ဖို႕ မစဥ္းစားရဲ ခဲ့ဘူး။ ေက်းဇူးဆပ္ႏိုင္ရေအာင္ ကြၽန္ေတာ္ကဘာမို႕လဲ။
သူအသက္ေပးလို႕လူျဖစ္လာတာ ေက်းဇူးဆပ္ဖို႕ ေတာင္မေျပာနဲ႕ ေက်းဇူးသိတတ္ဖို႕ေတာင္ အႏိုင္ႏိုင္က်ိဳးစားေနရတာ။
ကြၽန္ေတာ့အျမင္မွာေတာ့ ေက်းဇူးသိတတ္ျခင္းဟာ ေက်းဇူးေတာ္ေတြ နဲ႕အတူေကာင္းမႉလုပ္ေဆာင္ျပီး ပညတ္ေတာ္ေတြနဲ႕
 အတူတကြအသက္ရွင္တာ နည္းလမ္းအက်ဆုံးလို႕ထင္မိပါတယ္။ ေက်းဇူးတင္လ်က္ ခရစ္ေတာ္၌

             Because i was little and feeble, Our Lord stooped down to me and lovingly instructed me in the secrets of his love. Therese

28 October, 2010



       I beg of you, O Lord, by this most holy mystery of Your Body and Blood, with which You daily nourish us in Your Church, that we may be cleansed and sanctified and made sharers in Your divinity. Grant to me Your holy virtues, which will enable me to approach Your altar with a clean conscience, so that this heavenly Sacrament may be a means of salvation and life to me, for You Yourself have said: “I am the living bread that has come down from heaven. If anyone eat of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” 

           Most Sweet Bread, heal my heart, that I may taste the sweetness of Your love. Heal it from all weakness, that I may enjoy no sweetness but You. Most pure Bread, containing every delight which ever refreshes us, may my heart consume You and may my soul be filled with Your sweetness. Holy Bread, living Bread, perfect Bread, that has come down from heaven to give life to the world, come into my heart and cleanse me from every stain of body and soul. Enter into my soul; heal and cleanse me completely. Be the constant safeguard and salvation of my soul and body. Guard me from the enemies who lie in wait. May they flee from the protecting presence of Your power, so that, armed in soul and body by You, I may safely reach Your Kingdom. 

             There we shall see You, not as now as in mysteries, but face to face, when You will deliver the Kingdom to God the Father, and will reign as God over all. Then You, who with the same God the Father and the Holy Spirit, live and reign forever, will satisfy the hunger of my soul perfectly with Yourself, so that I shall neither hunger nor thirst again. Amen.



27 October, 2010


           နက္ခင္းတခုကို ထာဝရဘုရားသခင္က လူသားေတြအတြက္ ဖန္ဆင္းေပးလိုက္ျပန္ျပီ။
ကြၽန္ေတာ္ အပါအဝင္ပဲေပါ့။ အရမ္းကို ဝမ္းသာမိပါတယ္။ ေက်းဇူးလဲတင္မိပါတယ္ဗ်ာ။
ကိုယ့္ေဘးနားမွာသူရွိေနရင္ေလ ေက်းဇူးအရမ္းတင္ပါတယ္ လို႕ေျပးျပီး ေျပာလိုက္ခ်င္မိေလရဲ့။
            ေသေသခ်ာခ်ာ ျပန္စဥ္းစားၾကည့္ေတာ့ ဓမၼသစ္က်မ္းထဲဲမွာ ဆိုထားတာက သင္တို႕ရဲ့
ႏွလုံးသားဟာ ငါ့ရဲ့ ဝိညာဥ္ေတာ္ ျမတ္စံပယ္ရာဆိုပါလား။ ေတြးၾကည့္ရင္ ေရးေရးေလးေပၚလာမွာပါ။
 ကိုယ့္အနီးစပ္ ဆုံးလူတေယာက္က ကိုယ့္ကို အခ်ိဳသာဆုံး အျပဳံးနဲ႕ႏႈတ္ဆက္တယ္ဆိုပါေတာ့။
ကိုယ္ကလဲ ျပန္ႏႈတ္ဆက္လိုက္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့ ဒါေတြအားလုံးရဲ့ ေနာက္ကြယ္မွာ
         ေဟာသိျပီ သူပဲကိုး။ ခရစ္ေတာ္ ေစလႊတ္လိုက္တဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳလ္သံုးပါးတဆူဘုရား ထဲက
 ဝိညာဥ္ေတာ္ျမတ္ဘုရားေလ။ ဆန္းၾကယ္မႉေတြ မေရမတြက္ႏိုင္ေအာင္ ဘုန္းေတာ္ထင္ရွားေစဖို႕
ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႕လူသားေတြရဲ့ ႏွလုံးသားထဲမွာ  တိတ္တဆိတ္နဲ႕ အားအင္တစ္ခိုးေတြ နဲ႕
အံ့ဩစရာေတြ ဖန္ဆင္းေနတာေလ။
           မွတ္မိေစခ်င္တာက ဘုရားသခင္ တို႕တေတြရဲ့ရင္ထဲမွာ ရွိေနတယ္ ဆိုတာ ေနာက္ျပီး ဘုရားသခင္
တို႕တေတြကို ေကာင္းတာကိုပို မ်ားမ်ားလုပ္ဖို႕တိုက္တြန္းေနတယ္၊
ကိုယ္ခ်င္းစာစိတ္ကိုအျမင့္ဆုံးထားျပီး  ဒီလူ႕ဘုံကိုသားယာေစခ်င္တယ္ ဆိုတာ ပဓာနေလဗ်ာ။
       ေက်းဇူးတင္လ်က္။ ၾကိဳးစားပါအုံးမည္

26 October, 2010

Some Thoughts Though by Some....

Let Us Put On God everyday....

A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person in a certain set of attitudes.
                               (Hugh Downs) 

    Eight ways to be humble yourself

  1. Look for the best in people.
  2. Give sincere compliments.
  3. Be quick to admit your mistakes.
  4. Be the first one to apologize for an argument.
  5. Admit your limitations and needs.
  6. Serve others.
  7. Learn something new- a new skill, language, sport, or hobby.
  8. Give God the credit for anything. Give thank to God for everything. 

      Difficulty is not obstacle. It is opportunity to mature in life. Obstacles are for overcoming.
Why does God allow troubles?
For he sees the benefits. 
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
                                                                             (Helen Keller)

All things work together for good. (Rom 8:28) 
For through difficulties I have found myself, my work and my God.
                                                                                    (Helen Keller) 

What you want is not always what you need.
God never fails to grant our petitions, so keeping on going for him without doubting or murmuring. Remember that God always does things right.
Life is short but everlasting value; it contains the seed of eternity.
                                                                       (St. Francis de Sales) 

Why are we on earth?
We are on earth to serve God and by serving him to gain eternal happiness in heaven. To serve God we must have faith, keep the commandments and receive the holy sacraments and pray.
May God bless you always!
  I Say, You Say, They say, so so...

You say   : It's impossible.
God says : All things are possible   (Lk 18:27)  (Lk 1:37)

You say   : I'm too tired.
God says : I will give you rest.  (Mt 11:28)
You say   : Nobody really loves me.
God says : I love you.  (Jn 3:16)
You say  : I can't go on.
God says : My grace is sufficient.  (2Cor 12:9) (Ps 91:15)
You say   : I can't figure things out.
God says : I will direct your steps.  (Prov 4:11-12)
You say  : I can't do it.
God says : You can do all things. (Phil 4:13)
You say   : I'm not able.
God says : I am able.    (2Cor 9:8)
You say  : It's not worth it.
God says : It will worth it.  (Rom 8:28)
You say  : I can't forgive myself.
God says : I forgive you.   (1Jn 1:9) (Rom 8:1)
You say  : I can't manage.
God says : I will supply all your needs.  (Phil 4:19)
You say  : I'm afraid.
God says : I have not given you a spirit of fear.    (2Thi 1:7)
You say  : I'm always worried and frustrated.
God says : Cast all your cares on me.  (1Pet 5:7)
You say  : I don't have enough faith.
God says : I've given you the measure of faith. (Rom 12:3)
You say  : I'm not smart enough.
God says : I give you wisdom.  (James 1:5)
Il tuo browser potrebbe non supportare la visualizzazione di questa immagine. You say  : I feel all alone.
God says : I will never leave you or forsaken you.  (Heb 13:5)

 Thanks for reading.....

03 October, 2010

A Prayer of Henry Cardinal John Newman

A Prayer of John Henry Cardinal Newman

John Henry Cardinal Newman

God created me
to do him some definite service;
he has committed some work to me
which he has not committed to another.

I have my mission -
I may never know it in this life,
but I shall be told it in the next...
Therefore, I will trust him...
If I am in sickness,
my sickness may serve him;
in perplexity,
my perplexity may serve him;
if I am in sorrow,
my sorrow may serve him...
He does nothing in vain;
he may prolong my life,
he may shorten it,
he knows what he is about.