Lemuel The Servant


20 November, 2010


We believe that when we make the SIGN OF THE CROSS we are Catholic. Why is it like that?  Because, what our parents and catechists taught us to do in the church or before and after prayer and meals?
There is a proper answer if we say it’s the sign of catholic, it’s quite right but it doesn’t reveal all the truth in it. We do it because we are the follower of Christ who obeys his commands such as “love the Lord with all your heart with all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.” And we do it, because of our faith in him. They called it faith reflection. We remember him when we do the SIGN OF THE CROSS as he died for our sins 2000 years ago.

Even in the WW-I sign of the cross was a great symbol among the soldiers. There was an event said that A British soldier was ferrying troops across the Rhine preceding the allied march into Germany.
 One Sunday morning he came upon a tiny church. Fully armed as he was, he entered the door just as the aged priest came down from the altar to begin mass. The church was very small and the movement at the back caught the eyes of the priest. He stood perfectly still, looking with a questioning fear at the soldier. For a moment the lad was at the loss what to do; then he made big sign of the cross. The priest with a relief flashing in his eyes, turned around and began the mass.

Sincerely, I often shy to do SIGN OF THE CROSS before others. I must not deny him as I am aspiring a place in heaven to be with him. I am waiting for your comment good or bad, I promise you try my best to carry the Word of the Lord. If there is any defect, I am sorry for my imperfection. One thing true is that Everyone needs prayers and those who pray for him/her.