Lemuel The Servant


04 September, 2012

I am scared

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

         Firstly I'd like to apologize that I have been busy with studies and tight community schedule. This is the reason I was not able to update the Blog. I am willing but the spirit is so weak, I remember Jesus told Peter once.

          Thanks a lot for reading this Blog even though the author is not qualified in academics or other fields. But I am confident that I want to serve the Lord. In fact he is the Savior of the world. 

         A professor in the school said, "if you want to become a catholic priest, you need to love insecurity. I raised my hand to ask him why. He gave me the answer that "when Christ commissioned his disciples, he said not to take extra garments, shoes, purse or walking stick." He continued, "when you are a missionary you need to leave the place you love to stay in order to preach the Good News where it has not been heard. If you can't detach you would not become an effective missionary in the land you nothing about." Would you Join us?

         This Detachment may mean anything or everything we are attached to, even our habits, attitudes and of course materials we use. Personally, I'd like to love this kind of life. Can you search this kind of life in other religions or other denominations. We stay alone in order to please God with our sanctity of life but we are not alone, there is Jesus in us. A serene life is found only in Christ, he even instructed us to love enemies. Would you like to find like this teaching elsewhere? No way. 

         Vengeance is a widely used tool these days. Jealousy is a popular feeling among us. Wise men have said, Envy Kills. Being a catholic christian is not easy. It is like taking a bike. Once you started you need to continue to turn the paddle. If you stop paddling you would injure yourself and you might hurt others as well while they are traveling along with you. Life long journey, we may turn away from the Lord, like the Israelite in their exodus journey. 
                 I pray that you may have a nice exodus from your old-self to your God-promised-New-Self loving the Lord and serving with your Whole heart. God bless you.