Lemuel The Servant


12 December, 2012

Where are you?

           Sad things are happening! They are really saddening. Almost everyday these bad news creep into our thoughts and conversations. Who will be rejoicing if one hears a murder in the conversation or just in the news. Oppressions can't be tolerated in these day as every one cries for justice. What if those who can't even make even a little cry? I wonder will they received Justice? The So called Justice of our day is not a justice at all. It's always on the side of the rich and powerful.
          You may  probably perceive what i am talking about. I want to shout out the injustice being done in our today society. The powerful and the rich would kill the innocence in the name of their own benefits. Even they plan to kill a child which has no capacity to protect itself. Not even a child, they have planned since long ago to kill unborn babies in the name of Health reasons. The so called RH Bill in the Philippines is not just a human plan but the it is the PLAN of the DEVIL. Though many Christians agree to the PLAN OF THE DEVIL. Even the famous Catholic Universities agree to that Plan, How sad it is?
        If you are pro-abortion, may i ask you that would you agree with the murders or just any crime or a simple injustice. Killing is still the SAME and it will always remain the SAME. All of us talk about war, natural calamities, injustice but we have forgotten the ultimate task of ours to protect the lives of our Own Blood. Will it be the same as Pharaoh killed Israelite children? Will it be the same with the killing of the babies  in the infancy of Jesus?
      Do we really know what this so called RH Bill would bring out in the near future. Can we foretell so surely of what lies ahead on our path? I am really sad that the Faithful Catholics are going to be persecuted by the laws (Ready Made) in the Evil Infested USA. It is so obvious event of human Intellectual Decline! What do we know? Even those politicians and so called intellectuals can no longer see what is right and what is wrong. What is the use of the Degrees of doctoral , Masteral degrees, or degrees of post-doctoral intellectuals? 
       What about you? Where do you stand? Will you support the wrong thing or right one? Where are you?