Lemuel The Servant


19 December, 2010

A Message from Rome My home....

Dear friends:

As promised, here is the list of prizes you could win with the "Give ZENIT as a Gift" Campaign.

The first prize, for the person who has the greatest number of ZENIT gift-subscriptions in all languages, is a 7-day trip for two to Rome.

For the ten people in each edition who have the greatest number of ZENIT gift-subscriptions, they will receive a copy of the book-interview with Benedict XVI titled "Light of the World."

The system for giving ZENIT is anti-spam. This means that those receiving the gift are able to accept it or reject it.

Only those subscriptions that are accepted will count for the contest.

We remind you that the subscription to ZENIT is free, both for those who give it and those who receive it.

A subscription to ZENIT's daily dispatch or to the weekly roundup could be a marvelous gift. And you could win a trip to Rome!

To give ZENIT, you only need to follow the link:


A cordial greeting from the entire ZENIT team!

Kathleen Naab