Lemuel The Servant


14 December, 2010


Once there was a man living in a certain town. He is rather rich man in that town.  On that day when his children have gone to school and his wife went for office he is just about to go for his work.  As he is a devout Christian before going out he went to his prayer room and prayed fervently.  When he was on his way to his work, he saw a young beautiful poor girl with shabby clothes untidy hair.  The man got angry, rushed back to his house directly went into the prayer room and shouted at God. "Why God why? See, how beautiful that little girl is but why did you create her in a poor family, how she will struggle in her life?" "Wow, well done my dear son, I am so glad to know that you are concerned about others for the first time.  I appreciate your question but before I answer your question now you answer me.  Today you ask why I created that girl as poor.  But, in your lifetime, so far, have you ever asked, 'Why, Why Lord, you have given me so much wealth, or why did you made me rich?' Have you ever asked this question?"  The man bend down his head in shame.  God continued, "Hey, there is nothing to worry, and you are not the first one to do like this. All the rich people who are also Christians do the same thing. The reason why I made you rich is to help those who are in needy.  So, that you will have a chance to love me really. 'For, whoever gives a glass of water to any one of these little children of mine will not go without reward' don't you remember". "Sorry, Lord. Sorry for my stupidity", said the man with contrite heart.  "There you are! Give and it will be given unto you! The measure you give the measure you will get."  He decided to adopt that girl and there came peace, joy and happiness in him and in his house.  Do you want to celebrate a meaningful Christmas? Help others who are in need in your own way. God will reward you and May the Child Jesus be born in our Hearts.