Lemuel The Servant


06 October, 2014

Hypocrite: Modern

It has been quite a long time I stopped writing on my blog. However, a new inspiration came and I force myself to write something though I have something else to do. But it is always a pleasure to share love, kindness and everything you have with your friends. one would feel happier if your share is accepted and appreciated. 
          In my mind I am quietly asking myself if it is quite logical to say someone is peacful and yet holding arms? Is it not like a fox saying that it is vegetarian? Or like a lawyer saying that all comes out from his mouth is of all sincerity? however these examples are weak symbols which i intend to have a comparison. You know it for sure that UNITED NATIONS is doing as a intermediator for peace. Their projects are always highlighted in the news, in the journals and everywhere. Let's ask a question has UN achieved its goal as it is intended to have? Why? Is it doing its work right?
        Okay let's go to another one, let suppose that the reader has saw that there are two people quarelling at the top of their voices and they has charged themself for a physical fight. You would like to calm them down, and yet these people are picking up some objects to hurt each other. Would you grab out of their hand these objects or would you bring another objects or arms? Or would you arm yourself to involve in the fight with them in order to stop them?
          Now this is what UN does, sending their troops with arms in the the middle of the fight, lets say palestine and Isreal. If a person wants peace then he has to leave the arms. He has to be open to others, in my opinion. Arms and ammunitions will never bring peace rather it will only make people feel insecure.  Modern day philosophers have thought many great ideas about peace, how would this world embrace a peaceful situation. But they have failed.
Peace will be achieved when there are no more arms, 
                                      when there are no more insecurities, 
                                      when is no more hatred,
                                      when there  is no more jealousy,
                                      when there is no bias,
                                      when there is no more pride,
                                      when there is no more hunger for power,
                                      when there is no more greed( properties, etc)
                                      when there is no more ideas of superiority,
                                      when there is no one who is selfish.

Peace Will be there when there is contentment of one prosperity, physical appeareance, etc.
                        when everyone accepts that we all are equal,
                        when everyone loves his/her neighbour as him/herself.
                        when everyone does what is beneficial to him/herself and for others.
                        when everyone understands his/herself, interiority( what he/she really longs  
                        when everyone love peace.
                        when everyone love nature and protects it.
                        when everyone thinks for others, even at the point of losing him/herself.
                        when everyone has respect for those who are older and younger or same 
                        when everyone accepts the limitedness of our human nature.
                        when everyone does what he/she has to do.
So, unless we get rid of arms, insecurities and thirst for power we will never achieve peace. 
If we still arm ourselves and yet claiming to achieve peace in the world is acting the hipocrite. May the Lord Jesus Give us strength.Amen.