Lemuel The Servant


01 November, 2014

Happy All Saints Day

DAILY GOSPEL - www.dailygospel.org
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” John 6:68

The whole Daily Gospel team wishes you a blessed All Saints day!

In these last weeks of the liturgical year, All Saints day unites the Church on earth (Church Militant) with the Church in heaven (Church Triumphant). This feast, dedicated to all those who share already in the eternal beatitude, is coupled with the commemoration of All Souls Day, November 2. After having sung the glory and blessedness of the Church Triumphant, the liturgy invites us to turn our regard to our faithful departed, and to those who still experience purification as they advance toward the beatific vision.

The 2nd of November is a day of remembrance, but also a day of intercession. The day where “the Church intercedes for all her members asleep in death, who suffer the last purification before entering into Glory” (Solesme martyrology) Christ by His death and resurrection has established a mutual bond between the living and the dead, a true solidarity; through the communion of saints our prayer assists them on this last journey.

So let us not forget to pray for our beloved dead, to offer the mass for their intention, to practice tithing, indulgences, and works of penance (
CCC 1032
) so that God might welcome them into His eternal Glory.

The English team of Daily Gospel, a service from evangelizo.org