Lemuel The Servant


06 April, 2011


              These days some people claim that they are very humanly person, they donate, they do a lot of charitable works in the name of goodness. Some go to church because there is a gathering of rich people so that they might be able to mingle with them, therefore the opportunities shall be open up to them. 

Some women participate in Church based organization in order to have influence on others or to be popular.There are a lot of reasons to be in those group.
           There is a word, that says, Man humanizes animals and dehumanizes man. It's really true. Where some people put clothings on the animals, and leave a naked man naked.

 When Christ said "Clothe the naked" "Feed the hungry","Visit the sick"(Mt.25:31) and so on for us to understand the true purpose our humanity. Are you one of them who neglect and jeer the poor when you see them asking for alms? 

There is the worst thing( incurable) is the danger of a hardened-heart. Which can't perceive any good things that the lord has done to him or her. The bible teaches us " Harden not your heart (Heb 3:8)" We Christians are to observe those teachings from the bible. 


               Let us observe the teaching of Christ in our hearts to transform the earth anew. If we don't care and pray for the straightforwardness of this humanity, who will? We have seen the ruins made by the Satan in our tiny society by having a lot of problematic people around. Let us pray for the good of the morality of the up-coming generation. Let us encourage to those who are weak, let us consider for those who do not have much opportunity like us. let us share our goodness to those who do not experience yet.

            God has endowed the capacity in ourselves so we are to extend a prayerful hands to the furthest corner of the world, to show whom we are really following and what we are. To prove we are not lukewarm but we are filled with the power of Holy Spirit.


Paul Saga said...

Well said friend. Mmm... Congratulations, started thinking... very nice.