Lemuel The Servant


30 April, 2011

In the Sea

Dear brethren in christ,

      Some people may ask, why this blog is not updated for several days? Yes, it is true that i was away from the interenet. Because i was in the sea, travelling Cebu to Manila. it took around 25 hours to travel. Not only that, after spending 25 hours on the big ship, we still had to travel around three to four hours. It was very tiresome trip.
         You know that no body wants to travel for such a long journey. Then we experience a lot of difficulties to reach where to stay. We were lucky enough to arrive the destination at mid night around 1:30 pm. The place we've never gone before. there is very rare transportation to the place where we had to go. When we stop the taxi the driver refused that place is too far. What should we do at the middle of the night? We were frustrated. the person we asked for instructions cannot understand our English, and we cannot speak Tagalog.
          Actually when i came to understand it, it's all about the wisdom of God. if without the help of God how could we reach to the place that we have no knowledge of it. It's unimaginable for our limited capacity. We don't know how to communicate and we don't know where it is. And we don't know the way. Unfortunately i was not feeling fine since on the ship, i felt so weak and thinking to lie down to rest anywhere. Finally we asked the person beside us and she leaded us to a tricycle and asked the operator to bring us where we want to go.
           Then we experience that it was a wrong way because the place we want to go is Fatima Parish but it was a Sub-Division called Fatima. I felt like crying out aloud. But the tricycle operator asked for more amount of fare and proceeded to the destination. He also doesn't know the parish, and at mid night we have to stop infornt of every big house like church and inquire it whether it is Fatima Parish Chrurch or not. Finally we found it and knocked at the gate, releasing all our tensions.
              Today, by the grace of God, our loving creator helped me to recovered my strength. How can i praise God and count his mercies. Give thanks to the Lord, he Works in our actions and deeds. He deserves all praise and thanksgiving. God bless you all.