Lemuel The Servant


04 November, 2010

Do you ever think of this facts............

Symbols of the Alter:

                                   They stand in God's presence; burn out in His service.
                                   They, when beeswax, are the product 
                        of virginal worker bees, from the pollen,
                                    etc..,     collected for thousands of flowers.
                                    We start with a candle at the baptism....
                          and are asked to keep its flame
                                    burning -flame representing the new grace 
                       of baptism of our souls.
                                    The candle will be around our casket. 
                           We hold it at profession, and hand it
                                    over symbolically to the celebrant. 
                                 A candle gives light, warmth to all around it.
                                     It works silently... and no matter how
                              it is turned, it's flame always points upward.

                                      Flowers are a symbol of consecrated virginity.
                                      A flower is the most beautiful part of a 
                            plant of tree or bush.
                                      Flowers are both male and female.
                                      A plucked flower surrenders its fertility,
                         its power of reproducing itself.
                                      It gives its life and reproductivity to God.
                                      It dies in God's service on the alter.

          Bread and Wine:
                                       From the time they start as a seed, bread and
                                    wine go through some 20
                                       different processes.
                                      They are products of the earth, reworked 
                                      by man ...
                                      So are we: products of nature but 
                              reworked by all our education and living          
                                       and environment... within us is the work 
                               of many people
                                       around us...just as many grains make 
                            one wafer of bread
                                       and many grapes make one cup of 
                              liquid wine.

             The Chalice:
                                    The chalice can represent the three vows:

                    Poverty:    even we thought it is usually the most 
                                expensive item o n the altar,
                                     and may even be jeweled...that is 
                                     no important.
                                      It must contain one characteristic to qualify:
                                it must be empty.
                                      It is filled in accordance with that capacity.

                    Chastity:    The curved cup keeps things out, and keeps
                                 things in.
                                     It is consecreated to God's service and 
                             is never allowed to be used for any
                                     secular purpose.

                    Obedience:  It is made of malleable metal, which 
                                      allows itself to be worked,
                                        to be engraved and embossed; it is not 
                                  hard steel, unbending.
                                        It also stays where it is placed on the altar;
                                 it does not move around...it surrenders its 

        To Reader, I sincerely inform that these items are not from my own but from books which i am reading.
                 In this words, we need to deepened our thinking in line with Christ's teachings and are to reflect days and nights for the love of His and needed to thank him in most humble way in our daily life.
               Every One who follows Christ should bear Him always.
           May God be praised In the Highest forever and ever.
              Thank you for reading....