Lemuel The Servant


27 November, 2010

Greeting from Zenit. the Rome's news letter

Dear readers,

We at ZENIT are continuing to contribute to mankind's search for truth, justice and beauty, and we thank you for your interest in our work.

As you well know, Catholic journalism today faces great challenges.

There's no doubt we live in difficult times: Pro-abortion politicians have taken hold in many nations. Now two U.S. states allow euthanasia, and the abortion battle in that nation promises to have tough times ahead. In Great Britain, tiny human embryos face all sorts of manipulation with a variety of pretexts. Australia's abortion battle has also seen recent setbacks. And this is just the issue of life at its beginning and end. Our times are also filled with the drama of Christian persecution in nations such as India, Iraq and China. Violence and war continue to plague so many parts of the planet, especially on the continent of Africa. And the issue of same-sex unions and governments' attempts to redefine marriage is always making headlines.

In the midst of this scenario, the Catholic Church continues to raise her voice and proclaim the truth of the human person and the solutions to our problems! Benedict XVI continues to enlighten the minds and hearts of believers and nonbelievers alike.

Meanwhile, the secular press lives to sell news, meaning they generally follow the rule: "If it bleeds, it leads." That explains why there is plenty of space on the front page for the horrific, scandalous and worldly, whereas the stories of everyday heroic men and women are, at best, relegated to the back corners.

How many times have we been asked, or asked ourselves, what can be done to make the voice of truth and beauty heard? How can this truly good news make it into people's hearts and homes?

Well, we have one answer to these questions:

ZENIT currently has 150,000 subscribers to its English edition. If each of these readers gives the gift of ZENIT to three more people, we would have more than 450,000 readers of the English edition!

Make the Catholic voice heard! Give the gift of good news. Give the gift of ZENIT!

ZENIT's voice is also yours!

This is the season for gift-giving. Consider which of your friends and loved ones could receive the gift of ZENIT. Then go to this link:


Thanks for your help,

Happy Thanksgiving!

Warm greetings from the entire ZENIT team

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In French: http://www.zenit.org/french/cadeau.html
In Italian: http://www.zenit.org/italian/regalo.html
In Portuguese: http://www.zenit.org/portuguese/presente.html