Lemuel The Servant


17 November, 2010


            In the first hour of the day by the power of light we could sense and enjoy and accomplish all the things around us.
            Undeniably, sometimes we fail to thank God who created light at the beginning of his creation of this universe. By light we see our loved-ones, by it we can see the beauty and of nature. From its light shed on our way we see clearly what way we travel. Can we travel without light at night? Can we do something important in the darkness? At least we create something to brighten around us.
             Our ancient fathers discovered fire to protect them, give warmth and light at the time of darkness reigns. Since then, we human developed something which gives more light in our time, likewise bulbs, fluorescent tubes and LED’s etc….
            In the light we learn new things by our senses and memory. Some will argue that we still learn at night time (darkness). But mostly we would like to stay at the place where there is light. 


            We’ve got light for our physical world, and then what else do we need? We need much light for our Soul (spiritual). Spirit that drives us to reach to our personal destinations, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, who worked for the poor by her spirit of zeal and love of God. She gave God all her capacity to be used as an instrument of Him. So she did this wonderful task under the light of God. She overcame many obstacles, criticism and attacks. How could she know that there were attacks, if she were not under the light? When her spirit is under the light, there is nothing hidden. Holy Spirit is sometimes signified as light or fire. That means Holy Spirit is within her heart.
            We students need much to pray Holy Spirit in order to have energy to study. When we think sincerely we really need help, most of the challenges we cannot solve alone. There are much prayer formula to help us as guide, and also we can invent personal one. The most important thing is Concentration in prayer. The more we concentrate, the more we receive grace to enhance our capabilities.
             Because there is no human who can do everything, we are limited but we can broaden our narrow boundaries by approaching to the Almighty Lord, mercifully waiting for us to give us his infinite blessings.   Thanks, May God bless You all!