Lemuel The Servant


St.Augusitine writing Confessions

While remembering all his youthful follies, he remembers how God's unfarthomable grace has been a shield for him, how grace leads to discover his faith into Three in One God.

Divine Illumination

St: Augustine receive divine illumination from Jesus the Son of God and Mary, the mother of Jesus, enlightening him while he is writing his discourse.

St.MONICA and St.AUGUSTINE at Ecstacy at Ostia

Two saints, mother and son receive a vision of heaven at Ostia, near Rome. It was the last moment of the two being together, looking heaven ward, and later St.Monica died and was buried there.

Seminarians on the wall.

With co-seminarians, where trying to escape the scourging sunlight, sitting on the fence and keeping ourselves calm with jokes.

Rosary Garden at Tabor Hill, Talamban

A place of prayer and peace, a place of love and charity where being together with the mother of our Divine Lord, and recitation of Holy Rosary knocks the doors of Heaven.

28 February, 2011

Spirit Is Holy

             What is Holy Spirit? Many wonder that how Holy Spirit may be, and what would it be like or how does it work and so and so forth. We may not be able to describe its physical appearance. But it is sure that we would know when we are in the land of our heavenly father. We cannot measure the work of the Holy Spirit since it has done so numerous works and still performing it. The measurement we know is too incomplete to measure the vast ocean of wonderful work. Has anyone done measuring the amount of the water in the ocean or has anyone weighted the mountains in the scale?
Theologians say, it is the spirit of God. Holy Spirit works within us, watching over us as a guide for each one of us. Would it be true, yes that’s true and the truest in this Universe. Without it will our hearts work? Will our cells grow? Will our memory last to be use in the future? Without the Holy Spirit there will be something absurd for us the human beings. The Holy Spirit is on earth since from the beginning of the creation of this universe.
By it we are sustained, given shelter, secured in peace and many other uncountable blessings. They figure Holy Spirit as in the form of a white Dove or in the form of blazing fire. Why, there are evident in the New Testament, when Jesus is baptized the holy spirit descended as a dove and when the time of Pentecost the holy spirit descended again as in the form of tongues of fire. At the time of the creation of the Universe the Spirit of God hovers over the earth, the same spirit who came to Jesus when he was baptized by John the Baptist. Again, in the Old Testament, Noah used a dove to bring the good news that is peace of the earth.
Now, what I came to understand is the Holy Spirit would also be like wind, the air we breathe, without air what will happen, but only few know the power of Holy Spirit. It contains life of the world. When we pray even in our minds he speaks to us in turn. Do we know it? It is the reality.
There is a prayer we usually pray at anytime of the day even in the night. It is …...

Breathe in me O Holy Spirit, that I may think what is holy
Guide me O Holy Spirit, that I may realize what is holy
Attract me O Holy Spirit, that I may love what is holy
Strengthen me O Holy Spirit, that I may defend what is holy
Defend me O Holy Spirit, that I may never lose what is holy.
This short prayer is so powerful when one prays with reverence.

This prayer is the prayer of our Order of the Discalced Augustinians OAD.
By praying this short prayer, May all be blessed!

And these are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit,
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Gentleness
Pray with faith, so the gifts of the Holy Spirit will manifest in our daily lives.
Thank You and God Bless.

27 February, 2011

Lovers and Lawyersn 2nd part

The result of all this has been ore of the great tragedies of the Church in our times: the signifi­cant number of Catholics who have left her be­cause they couldn't accept or cope with such a fearful concept of God. There is often a sadness or even bitterness against the Church among many of those who have left her — the result of a tragic mis­understanding of the very heart of our faith: who God is for us.
One of the most popular saints of this century is Therese of Lisieux, the Carmelite nun who died in 1897 and was canonized a saint by the Church only 28 years later in 1925. Her statue is found in very many Churches all over the world attesting to her popularity.
Yet Therese was only 24 years old when she died and had spent her entire life in the small French town of Lisieux and its environs except for one trip to Rome. When she died of tuberculosis, one of the other Carmelites asked what they could possibly put in her obituary after such an unevent­ful life.
Why then is Therese so popular a saint today? One reason might be her autobiography, "The Story Of A Soul," in which she sketches out her "little way" to holiness. Therese believed that we need not accomplish great things for Christ in order to attain deep holiness but rather that if we do the 'little things' in life with a great deal of love —a kind word, putting up with the faults of others cheerfully, doing a small kindness without seeking recognition — we can come to great sanctity, for it is not so much what we do for Christ that ulti­mately matters but the love with which we do it. Her life itself was living proof of her 'little way,' and the ordinary people of the world — the house­wives, workmen, students, priests — can easily identify with Therese and her spirituality.
But perhaps an even more profound reason for Therese's popularity and relevance is the very basic insight she had into our times and the needs of the Church today. She grew up and lived in the French Catholicism of the end of the last century and in Carmelite monastery, both of which were influenced by the semi-Jansenism and strictness of the times. Therese suffered through a period of intense scrupulosity while still very young. Yet despite these influences in her life, she was able to grow beyond them and with God's grace come to a profound appreciation and experience of the very basic reality of the gospel as revealed to us in John's first letter: "God is love, and he who lives in love, lives in God and God in him" (1 Jn 4:16).
Therese in a real sense foreshadowed the Sec­ond Vatican Council in pointing to our Lord as a God of infinite love — the very opposite of the image of a strict judge that somehow over many years had insinuated itself into our faith. The over­whelming, infinite and tender love of God for each of us — not fear — should be the pervading reality of our faith and our lives, coloring all else. God in his infinite love has revealed himself to us as "Abba," — Tatay, in Filipino— our dearly beloved Father whom we are to love and trust in return.
Whenever the temptation to revert to the image of a fearful or angry God surfaces, one need only read, reflect and pray over Jesus' parable of the prodigal son. The father, like God with us, allows the son to go off and squander his inheritance. He doesn't force him to come home, for freedom is necessary for love, and the father longs for his son's love. And so, the father waits; we can imagine him going out every day and looking off into the distance for his son. Then one day he recognizes him far off, returning to him. And Jesus then reveals the incredible image of who God is, and his personal love for each of us sinners: 'While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity. He ran to the boy, embraced him in his arms and kissed him tenderly"(Lk 15:20-21).
The 'father' of course is God and the whole story is filled with his love, and tender compassion and mercy for each of us, his sons and daughters. This is God's revelation of who he really is for us.
As Jesus has warned us, there will be the cross in our lives (Lk 9:23); there will be suffering at times, particularly as his disciples (Jn 15:20-21). Moreover, the human condition itself postulates that there is a need for at least a minimum of laws or structures in the Church and in society for their proper functioning.
But the ultimate meaning and pervading real­ity of our lives is not to fulfill laws or to live in fear of God if we don't. The deepest meaning of our lives is to learn how to love, to truly share as children in the life of God who is love. In other words, the primary witness and deepest motivation of our lives is to be lovers, not lawyers...

Thanks so much for reading it, and if possible please feedback insights so that I may persevere in this echoing of the Word of God.

26 February, 2011

Lovers and Lawyers

This following writing is scanned from the book named: Lovers and Lawyers and other approaches to faith written by Fr. Donald McQuade. Which I read recently and find it interesting and gives insight, so let me share the first chapter of his booklet. (I am not sure of I might be accused of the theft of the copyrighted book?) But I just want to share so that my beloved Christian Brethren will read and afterward have conversion in life.

Lovers and Lawyers
"You do not live under the law but under God's
grace."                                                                            —Rom 6:14
In recent years there have been a number of books and even a couple of Broadway plays spoof­ing the ways of the pre-Vatican II Church, espe­cially the Catholic schools and religious customs of those times: the super-strict nun, the loud priest in the confessional, the 'mysteries' of the old Lenten fast, etc.
No doubt there is a good bit of exaggeration about what actually went on and, having grown up in those times, I do not see most of it as bad or as funny as depicted. Nevertheless, the parodies do make a point. It does seem that there was some­thing out of 'sync' in those times — a rigidity and legalism, a sternness that affected not only the Church but almost all of society.
Perhaps it was the result of the uptight and often hypocritical Victorian Era that preceded it. The idea of "fulfilling the law" was pervasive — in the Church, in society and in personal lives. Legal­ism was very much in vogue. "How far can I go before I commit a mortal sin?" "How much of the Mass must I attend in order to fulfill my obliga­tion?" The punishment for any failure to follow the law and live as one 'should' was expected to be rather severe.
In the old parish missions a priest would usually preach fire and brimstone to be suffered eternally by those who did not fulfill their moral duties. Parishioners might take fright and be 'converted,' only to lapse back into their usual ways in a short while. Fear by itself really can't hold us too long.
At the root of this rigidity, legalism and fear, there was a flawed concept of who God is. True Christians professed that God was our Father who loved us. But somehow he often came across very much like our earthly fathers; our human ways o thinking, acting and feeling were projected onto God.
And so it was assumed that God as a Father would expect his children (us) to obey him completely and if we didn't, he would be disturbed an might even become righteously angry. In fact there even seemed to be a tendency at times to overdo it and God was experientially if unconsciously seen less as a Father who loved us than as a judge seeking `justice,' or perhaps an accountant tallying up our sins against us.                    to be continued

24 February, 2011

we .....

“I am the real vine, and my father is the gardener. He breaks off every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and prunes every branch that does not bear fruit, so that it will be clean and bear more fruit.”(Jn 15:1-2)                  
Christ said these words from the mouth of John and let it be written by his holy inspiration. What for? We may ask. Yes it’s good to know what the lord has said to his chosen people. He says these words to remind us in our daily actions, to be with him always as we are the children of his. He loves his body as well as the branches. Would he be willing his branches to be cut off? Suppose your finger’s nail is eaten by the fungi. Will you stay without going to have any treatments? Or if your foot is painful will you not take any immediate treatment? Yes, of course because of the pain we will be murmuring if there is no proper cure for it.
At the same time, when we are his branches, his holy limbs he loves them as his body. In the Philippians, we are even called adopted children. Are we worthy enough to be so? But if we are not we must move ourselves toward God. Humbling ourselves, let the mercy overflow in our hearts and pondering His sacred words in our daily life there would be the best answer for our individual lives.
            Likewise I had experience when I was together with my family. My father and I used to work in the backyard of our house as I can help him a little. So when we were one day in the backyard, my father removing the unwanted plants and grasses. Carried them and piled them up to the stem of a fruit bearing plants. I helped him removing the unwanted grasses and carried them to the plants where he wanted to give a natural fertilizer. Occasionally these fruit bearing plants will not bear any fruits; my father will be patiently giving more amount of fertilizer. Finally when the limited time is over he was exhausted in giving the fertilizers he cut off the plant and made it firewood.
I felt that is what God the father is going to do in heaven when the time of judgment comes. We will be paid what we’ve done in this earthly journey. I am not threatening but what I want to say is that when we are the branches of Christ we have the right to bear good fruits, to be good Christians. We are welcomed to this holy inspiration. To help people around us, to sympathize those who are in need, if not how could we be called Christians, since Christ gave himself for his followers to rinse the sins of ours. Especially we are called to have faith, love and hope.
“Instead, I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I heard from my father. You did not choose me; I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit that endures. And so the father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name. This, then is what I command you: love one another.”(Jn 15:15b-17)

23 February, 2011

2nd Part of Therese Neumann

All these occurrences around Therese could not be kept in a private sphere. The interest of the public was aroused. Especially on Fridays, large crowds of visitors would come. The Bishop of Regensburg, Antonius von Henle, had been very cautious concerning the occurrences in Konnersreuth. Public discussions got stormier all the time, so the Bavarian Conference of Bishops decided to get a scientific basis for the philosophical-theological examination of the phenomenon. By order of the Diocesan Authorities, Therese had to undergo medical observation from July 14 - 28, 1927, headed by Dr. Seidl from Waldsassen and Prof. Dr. Ewald from Erlangen. Especially the phenomenon of living without taking any food should be watched and scrutinized by checking her weight, temperature, pulse frequency, and laboratory examinations of her secretions and blood. Four sworn in nurses watched over Therese around the clock, following strict orders of the two Doctors. To check the process, the Doctors themselves came in from time to time, without prior notice. The results of the examinations verified, that "in spite of the intense observation ... not even this could be observed, that Therese Neumann, who was not a second alone, ate anything..."

In October 1927, the Bavarian Conference of Bishops passed a resolution concerning Therese Neumann, to admonish the public "not to form a final judgment on the matter of Konnersreuth, until the Church Authority had decided about this case, and to refrain from visits." The Diocesan Authorities explained in a circular letter "Oberhirtliches Verordnungsblatt" for the Diocese of Regensburg, no. 10, 1927, the necessity for this decision: "This decision was necessary to prevent something like a pilgrimage, even before the basis for this has the attestation of the Church; but even more so, to keep evil-minded people away, who refer to their personal visit in Konnersreut and disseminate untrue reports,... false information, blaspheme all that is supernatural and holy". Furthermore, in this report the process and the results of the fifteen days of strict watch were made known. Referring to the investigational examination it was verified, that not the smallest amount of food had been taken. After this decision of the Diocese, a written permission of the Diocese was required to enter the house of the Neumann family. But even this step could not stop the crowds, so it was given up.

When the National Socialists came to power between 1933 and 1945, a difficult time of plight began for Therese. The National Socialistic Press published sarcastic articles about her person all over Germany. State authorities never missed a chance to put her to shame, cause her inconvenience or threaten her with prosecution or arrest. However, she never had to take any physical reprisal. She made no secret of the fact, that she rejected the political course and the person of Hitler. After Word War II had ended, crowds of visitors came again, among them many American soldiers. Over the years, many people received help, advice and comfort. Many found their faith anew or their faith was strenghtend. Although she never wanted to be the centre of publicity, she did not withdraw from visitors. People lusting for sensation, however, met a harsh rejection from Therese. The visitors were a burden to the Neumann family; it meant considerable restrictions in their daily life. Despite of all this, they continued to live a simple life. Also, the place Konnersreuth was nothing but a village, it did not take advantage of the situation for a profitable tourist attraction.

Therese died on September 18, 1962, after she had suffered from Angina Pectoris for some time. Before she was burried on September 22, 1962, four medical Doctors examinated the corpse und verified, that, even 4 days after death, no rigidity of death (rigor mortis) and no cadaverous smell could be noticed. The corpse was so flexible that some feared an apparent death (suspended animation). Up to this day, many people honour Therese and visit her grave. The Rectory of Konnersreuth alone has received over 40.000 motions from around the world, calling for her Beatification.
Therese has been venerated since her death, her life was obviously virtuous and many miracles have occured during her life time and since her death. Countless people wish her saintliness to be authorized by the Church. Alone to the Rectory of Konnersreuth, more than 40.000 motions have been submitted for a process of Beatification, coming from all over the world. In 2005, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Bishop of Regensburg, formally opened the proceedings for her beatification.

22 February, 2011

Therese Neumann

Therese Neumann
von Konnersreuth
Mystic and Stigmatist
April 8, 1898 - September 18, 1962

Therese Neumann was born on April 8, 1898, during the night of Good Friday/Holy Saturday in Konnersreuth in Bavaria (Oberpfalz) Germany. She was the first child of 11 of Ferdinand Neumann, a tailor, and his wife Anna Grillmeier. As it was the custom, soon after birth, she was baptized, on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1898, in the parish church St. Laurentius in Konnersreuth. Therese grew up in a modest home. Work in the house was a main task. There was not much of an opportunity for children's play, because each of the children had to do some work on the small farm or in the tailor´s shop, according to their strength and ability. The parents raised their children consistently Christian. She attended elementary school from 1904 - 1911. She was known as a diligent and good pupil.
The small income of the parents made it necessary for the children to earn some money for the daily living of the family, as soon as possible. For that reason, Therese worked already in the afternoons during the last half year of Elementary school (1910-11) in the Castle of Fockenfeld. By age 14 (1912) she worked full time as a maid on a rather large property in Konnersreuth. Therefore, during the years 1911 - 1914, she attended only Sunday school. According to her final report card, she earned good and very good grades for the subjects of Religion, Science, Reading, Arithmetic, Essay and Penmanship. Therese was an intelligent and healthy child. During her school years, nothing extraordinary was noticed. She was known for her cheerful mind and showed great responsibility at an early age. On July 12, 1908, she was confirmed by the Bishop Antonius von Henle in Waldsassen. On April 18, 1909, she received First Holy Communion.

At the age of fifteen Therese began thinking about becoming a missionary Sister to Africa. But in 1914, the First World War prevented her entry into that Order. When her father was drafted in 1914, she promised her parents to postpone entering the convent until her father returned from the war. Because the owner of the estate was drafted to serve in World War I, Therese took over the position of the head-servant. Because she was physically very strong, the work on the farm and in the fields went well. She loved plants and animals, the change of seasons as well as natural events. As a soldier on leave in World War I, her father came home and brought a devotional picture of the French Therese of Lisieux (Thérèse Martin) of the Carmelite Order for his daughter. At age 16, Therese Neumann became interested in the biography of "Little Therese", venerated her and prayed for her beatification.
In 1918 a tragic injury changed her life. During a fire, Therese was helping to pass buckets of water to put it out when she injured her back. This injury led her to fall uncontrollably to the ground on succeeding days. These falls brought on paralysis and blindness. She developed pneumonia, digestive problems, abscesses formed in her ears causing a loss of hearing and bed sores developed. These physical sufferings continued for six years until she developed appendicitis. Her family and doctors expected imminent death.

She miraculously regained her sight in 1923 through prayers to St. Teresa, "The Little Flower." Later Therese Neumann's limbs were instantaneously healed. From 1923 onward, Therese has abstained completely from food and drink, except for the daily swallowing of one small consecrated wafer. February 16, 1926 was a new decisive turning point in Therese's life. She fell ill again, in addition, an ear abscess developed, and at times bloody water and pus trickled out of her eyes. Often the pain gave her sleepless nights, i.e. on the night of Thursday/Friday March 4/5, 1926 she couldn't sleep. Suddenly, she had a vision. She saw Jesus kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane. At the same time, she experienced a pain on the left side of her breast, of such intensity that she thought she would die. Then blood started to run down from this place. The trickling of blood lasted until the next midday.
The other signs of illness remained. The ear abscess broke open on Holy Saturday, but she was bedridden until 1927. On the night of Thursday she had a second vision - substantially the same, yet extended by the scene of the scourging of Jesus. On the following Friday, March 19, 1926, she saw also the crown of thorns put on, and on Friday, March 26, 1926, the carrying of the Cross and the fall under the Cross. On Good Friday, April 02, 1926, she saw the complete Passion, and in the early morning of Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. The visions were accompanied by blood-wounds, which appeared not only in the heart area, but by the end of the year, in all places of the wounds of Christ, the Stigmata.

Therese had this vision of the Passion again and again until her death, during 36 years each time in over 30 separate visions every Friday, except on those Fridays from Christmas to Lent, Easter to the Feast of the Sacred Heart and on any Fridays which coincided with a high feast or an octave of a feast. During her visions, her eyes, heart and head bled; during Lent, her hands, feet, knees and right shoulder also bled...on Good Friday, bleeding would occur on her chest and back too. The Stigmata on her heart, hands and feet stayed visible, but never became inflamed or festering ...unless a remedy was applied.

21 February, 2011

Pope: the Future Needs Stout-Hearted Priests Addresses Students of Pontifical Filipino College

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 20, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is encouraging priests to seize the opportunities to grow in "spiritual and theological maturity" so that they can be "stout-hearted" enough for whatever the future holds.
The Pope said this on Saturday when he received in audience a group of students and faculty from the Pontifical Filipino College. Blessed Pope John XXIII founded the college 50 years ago and the papal audience was commemorating the anniversary.
The German Pontiff encouraged the students to "grow in faith" and to "strive for excellence in your studies." He also told them to "grasp every opportunity afforded you to attain spiritual and theological maturity, so that you will be equipped, trained, and stout-hearted for whatever awaits you in the future."
Complete gift
Speaking about the martyrs of Rome, the Pope assured: "I am confident that each of you will be inspired by their union with the mystery of Christ and embrace the Lord's call to holiness which demands from you as priests nothing less than the complete gift of your lives and labors to God."
The Holy Father also gave practical counsel regarding the students' use of time. He suggested a "healthy balance between local pastoral concerns and the academic requirements of your stay here, to the benefit of all."
The Pontiff's final reflection regarded the special opportunity afforded the priests by their studies in Rome.
"[D]o not forget the affection of the Pope for you and for your homeland," he said. And he urged them to return to the Philippines with an "unshakeable affection of your own for the Successor of Peter."
The Holy Father encouraged the "desire to strengthen and maintain the communion which binds the Church in charity around [the Pope]."
"In this way," he said, "having completed your studies, you will surely be a leaven of the Gospel in the life of your beloved nation."

18 February, 2011


A naughty boy entered a crowded train. He played a trick to get a seat. He cried aloud, "Snake, snake!" The frightened passengers left the coach in a hurry and boarded other coaches on the train. The boy was very happy and easily occupied a wide vacant seat. The liar stretched himself out on the seat comfortably and soon fell asleep. After an hour, he opened his eyes and checked if he has reached his destination. He was surprised to find that the train was still at the station where he had boarded it. Confused, he came out and enquired. He was informed that the coach was disconnected for a detailed search for the snake. The rest of the train had left the station an hour ago. The liar was stranded on the isolated carriage.
We should not tell a lie even if telling the lie may give us money, power or pleasure. St. Paul advises, "No more lying, then! Everyone must tell the truth to his fellow-believer, because we are all members together in the body of Christ" {Ephesians 4: 25}. Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" {John 8: 32}.

17 February, 2011


There was a wealthy man who lived without principles. He was reluctant to offer any help to poor people. He owned a palatial house and a large estate. A cruel gate-keeper was posted to prevent the entry of beggars and other poor people into the premises.

He was haughty and controlled every action of his wife and children. He did not permit them to perform any act of charity or spend any money without his consent. Poor beggars who approached his house for help were ruthlessly sent away. Even in an emergency, he did not show any mercy or sympathy to poor people. He did not have any contact with poor neighbours or relatives as he feared they might seek his help in their financial difficulties.
One day, the gate-keeper was sick and could not come for duty. A family of poor refugees from a flood-hit area came to his house and begged for some food as they were hungry and tired. He permitted them to take a jack fruit fallen from a tree in his estate. They thankfully went away carrying the fruit with them. He gave the fruit as the trees had yielded a large number of jack fruits and the fruits could not be sold in the market due to low demand. He was worried about his inability to utilise the fruits profitably. Fruits were falling down and causing pollution. His gift was part of cleaning and not an act of mercy.
That night, he had a dreadful dream. He dreamt that he was cast into hell along with several similar souls. There was fire all around. He cried aloud to God, who was seen seated in a distant throne in heaven: “Help me, Oh my loving Lord, I have been a Christian throughout my life. I have recited my prayers regularly and attended the Church on every Sunday without fail. You have put me in this hell of horror by error. Please raise me to heaven.”
God replied, “Name any one act of charity that you did with a loving heart in your life-time and I will help you.”
He thought thoroughly. The images of the poor and sick persons he ignored or rejected marched through his memory. He felt sorry for wasting all chances for charity. Suddenly the family who ate the jack fruit came to his mind. He shouted jubilantly, “Yes, my God, I have given a jack fruit to a hungry family. Kindly lift me from this fire, my Lord!”
God said, “You didn’t give it with love. Still I will give you a chance. I will lower a jack fruit tied to a rope towards you from here. You may hold on to the fruit and I will pull you up from the flames and fire.”
He jumped with joy, seeing the approaching fruit and embraced it as soon as it reached him. As it began to rise up to heaven, several souls caught hold of his legs hoping to escape . He kicked them away with all his skill. Suddenly a sportsman’s soul jumped high and caught the fruit. He raised a hand to punch him and push him away. “This is my fruit, Go away, you fool!” he shouted. Suddenly he lost his grip and fell down flat, back into the flames of fire.
With a shock he opened his eyes. He was lying flat on the floor having fallen from his bed in his sleep. He confessed his sins and started a new life of charity. His Christianity became a reality.
Jesus has announced the basic rules and essential qualifications for entrance into heaven: “…..I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me…..I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me” {Matthew 25: 31-46}.

16 February, 2011


A ship was sailing towards a port carrying a large number of passengers. The shore could be seen in the distant horizon and all on board were gladly getting ready for the end of the journey. Suddenly the ship struck against a rock and broke its hull. Water rushed into the ship and it was sinking fast. Everyone tried to escape, abandoning their baggage. Some boarded life-boats, others jumped into the sea to swim ashore.
But one of the passengers was busily engaged in stealing valuable materials from the luggage of the passengers. He broke open the bags, trunks and suitcases in the sinking ship and collected all the jewelery and gold coins in a cloth bag and tied the bag safely to his waist. Then he jumped into the sea and tried to swim ashore. But the weight of the stolen jewelery made him sink. He tried his best to swim as he was an expert swimmer. But the heavy load dragged him down into the deep sea. No one could save him.
“Robbery always claims the life of the robber” {Proverbs 1: 19}. “It is better to have a little, honestly earned, than to have a large income gained dishonestly {Proverbs 16:8}.
Jesus said, “No one can be a slave of two masters; he will hate one and love the other; he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” {Matthew 6: 24, Luke 16: 13}.
“Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because a person’s true life is not made up of the things he owns, no matter how rich he may be” {Luke 12: 15}.
“Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world but loses his life” {Matthew 16: 26}.

Not Fair 2

Several years ago I had an operation and spent a couple of weeks recuperating at a place for elderly and sick Maryknoll priests and brothers, near our seminary in New York. One of the things that impressed me very much about these old missioners was how they automatically helped each other despite their own infirmities. For example, at dinner time some who themselves had trouble walking would be seen pushing the wheelchairs of others who needed assistance.
They were men who had led tremendous lives as missioners in china where they experience war persecution and jail; others had begun new missions in rugged areas of Africa and Latin America. They had fed the hungry, clothed the naked and visited the sick so often over so many years that it had become an automatic response in many of them. They would be like those on the right hand of the Lord at the judgment who would ask him:
"'When did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?' And the King will answer, 'In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.' " —Mt 25:37-40
The spontaneous response of these old missioners was done without a great deal of theological reflection on our incarnate Lord coming to us through others. Rather, from habitually answering the call for charity, their love of God spontaneously and automatically showed itself in their love and kindness for others and how they treated them.
I heard a story about a very good priest I had me years ago who died recently here in the Philippines. It's a good illustration of how we gradually car build up that automatic response to Christ's invitations for our help and love.
It seems that one night this priest received a telephone call about 11 p.m. It was a very poor woman he knew from a slum area who was asking if he might drive her son to the hospital as the boy was seriously ill. The priest immediately started to think of all the reasons why he couldn't go: "I'm old and pretty sick myself!" "Couldn't they wait until the morning? It's late!" "Isn't there anyone else available?"
But, realizing that it was probably very serious, he agreed and got dressed and drove the boy. As they were riding along, the little boy asked him, "Are you God?"
Taken aback, he answered, "No — but why do you ask?"
"Well," the boy replied, "I felt very sick and afraid back there and when I asked my mother how we could get to the hospital, she said that God would provide — and here you are!"
It was a good reminder, the priest admitted, and had come through the mouth of a child: we're not God, but he does use us as channels of his grace and, in a sense, he "needs" us. The priest resolved that whenever any sort of reasonable request for help came to him, he would try to follow through on it right away, for that is how God comes to us through other people in need. Often there is no time for any discernment but the most basic: that help is needed and I'm available.
Like this priest, to the extent that your re­sponse becomes consistent and relatively auto­matic you can probably expect several things to happen in your life.
First, that you'll get more calls for help in the middle of the night! Second, that you'll gradually) be able to handle such inconveniences with in creasing equanimity and perhaps in time ever recognize the Lord coming to you through the person in need. And finally, that you'll become true disciple of our Lord, having an abiding sense o his peace and joy and love, even in. those `difficult times' -- like when the phone rings at midnight with a call for help.

15 February, 2011

Not Fair

Many years ago during Prohibition times in the United States there was a gangster named Dutch Schulz who was mortally wounded in a gunfight in Chicago. As he lay dying in the street, a priest ran out and gave Dutch absolution. Not fair!' some claimed. 'Here was a man who stole everything all his life and at the last minute seemed to have stolen heaven!'
In contrast, Dutch's critics might have com­pared him to the theoretical monk who had lived innocently all his life in a monastery and at the last minute committed one mortal sin and would be condemned to hell. Not fair!' they might cry —and they'd be right...
But thank God, that's not how it works. Jesus has told us not to judge others (Lk 6:37). We never really know what goes on in people like Dutch over the years — perhaps a real desire to break away from his life's patterns and the failure to do so, deep psychological scars, whatever. We simply don't know what goes on in the depths of other people (1Cor 2:11). Oftentimes we're not even sure of what's really going on in ourselves!
And so the Lord says to leave judgment to him On 9:39). He knows of our longing for good, and how rare may be our complete turning away from him (mortal sin). He knows of the good in us when even we may not recognize it. The 'good thief on the cross castigated the other one who had de­nounced Jesus:
"'Have you no fear of God at all? You got the same sentence as he did, but in our case we deserved it: we are paying for what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong.' Then he said, 'Jesus, re­member me when you come into your kingdom.' Jesus answered him, 'In truth I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.' " — Lk 23:40-43
Where did this sentiment and hope come from in the good thief, and how many of his contempo­raries would have judged him the way Jesus did?
Prescinding from these rather rare cases how-ever, there's an old adage that life is a continuum and we die pretty much as we have lived. The whole of one's life is a time for growing—or for no growing. Hopefully, over the course of life a person will more and more come to know and love God and other people, as well as himself or herself.
I recall the obituary of a Maryknoll priest who died a few years ago. He was a scripture scholar as well as a missionary and throughout his life his knowledge and love of the lord had continually deepened. It was mentioned in the obituary that in the last few years of his life he would spend long periods in the chapel apparently engrossed in God’s presence. His death was simply the culmination and ratification of his long life in which he came to be totally immersed in the lord with whom he had been growing more and more in love over the years. Death was his passage to the fullness of that love.

To be continued....

14 February, 2011



I am for sure, many of us will not even the see the picture below.  The moment we see this picture, a type of aversion engulfs us, a feeling of uneasiness crushes our mind.  Yes, this is a sample for leprosy.  Though there are medicines in these modern times to treat the leprosy, in the Old Testament it considered as the curse from God, and that person will be kept outside of the City until he is cured and certified by the high priest that he is ok.  In Old Testament there is a famous passage which narrates the leprosy of Naaman in 2Kings 5:1-15.  We feel dislike towards leprosy or lepers because we are fine and healthy.  May be physically we are alright, but spiritually we are lepers.  We are affected with Spiritual Leprosy.
The person who is affected by leprosy will have imperfect limbs, with no finger, nose, toe and etc.  Many of us think that this is because of the effect of the disease.  But the research shows that they loose not because of the disease.  It is because of the numbness.  Lepers will not have any feelings in the affected area, even if you cut the fingers they won't feel anything.  So, when they sleep the rats come and eat away their limbs, because of the numbness (feelinglessness) they do not know this.

In the same way we are affected in our life.  Without Prayer, Bible Reading, Sacraments, without going to the Church a kind of spiritual numbness creeps into our hearts.  There is no feeling of sin in our conscience.  Just take for granted, in the name of culture, fashion, modernity, we just loose the feeling of dignity and modesty.  Anything that gives comfort is alright.  Nothing is sin.  As a result without our knowledge we loose the grace of God, gift of God, Spirit of God, providence of God, protection of God exposing ourselves to all types of dangers of soul.

In the case of Naman the leper, his spiritual leprosy has to be cleansed fist than his physical leprosy.  He was affected by the leprosy of 'pride'. He was strong with leprosy and we too are the same.  The prophet sends the word to obey.  But he didn't.  The Bible says 'He thought' (2Kings 5:11). We also think many things instead of obeying to the Word of God.  When he obeyed he found the grace of God, praises the mercy of God, believes in the presence of God (2Kings 5:15) and at the end he could meet the Man of God, the prophet Elisha.  And he became perfect, like a child, entered into the Kingdom of God.  Do you know what he took with him when he went back to his country??? He came with silver, gold and all types of ornaments but went with two sack loads of soil from the land of God (2Kings 5:17).  The soil from God's land is more worth than any silver and gold.  To be a stupid for the sake of God is better than to be wise in the Godless position.

Let us come to our senses as the prodigal son (Luke 15:17), let us get rid of our spiritual numbness, senselessness, and turn back to God with raising up our imperfect limbs, becoming conscious of our imperfection, even from a distance like that of the ten lepers (Luke 17:12) let us shout: JESUS, MASTER! TAKE PITY ON US! He will help us to come to our senses and we shall be alive and active with the grace and mercy of God.

13 February, 2011

A Story....

က်ြန္ေတာ္ၾကားခဲ့တဲ့ဇာတ္လမ္း ေလးတစ္ပုဒ္

လူ႕ဘဝတဲ့ ဆန္းၾကယ္မွူေတြၾကားထဲမွာ ရွင္သန္ရင္း ေနာက္ဆုံးတစ္ေန့မွာ ဒီ ရုပ္ဝတၲဳ ကမာၻေလာကၾကီးက ေနတစ္ဖန္ ခြဲခြာရအုန္း မွာမဟုတ္လား အေတြ႕အၾကဳံေတြ သင္ခန္းစာေတြ ကို သင္ယူေလ့လာရင္းနဲ့ မေရမရာ မေသမခ်ာ အေနမၾကာပဲ ငိုသံေတြနဲ့ အတူ ဒီပုတ္သိုးလြယ္တဲ့ ခနၲာၾကီးကို စြန္႕ခြာရ ေတာ့မယ္
အရင္တစ္ေလာက လူတစ္ေယာက္ မေမွ်ာ္လင့္ေသးတဲ့အခ်ိန္ မွာေသျခင္းက သူ႕ကို ရစ္ပတ္ ေႏွာင္တုပ္သြား ေလတယ္ အသက္က ငယ္ငယ္ လ်င္ျမန္ ျဖတ္လတ္တုံး လူ႕ေလာက မွာရွိတဲ့ ေပ်ာ္စရာေတြ ကို ခံစားေနတုံးေပါ့
သူေသသြားေတာ့ သူေလာေလာလတ္လတ္ သုံးခဲ့တဲ့ ပစၥည္းေလးေတြကို သူ႕အေခါင္းထဲ ထည့္ေပးလိုက္သတဲ့ဗ်ာ ျဖစ္လာတာက စ်ာပနအျပီး သုံးရက္ ေလာက္ၾကာေတာ့ သူ႕အေမရဲ့ Cell Phone ဆီကို Text Message တစ္ခု ေရာက္လာသတဲ့ text message ထဲမွာ ေရးထားတာက HELP! တဲ့ ဘယ္နံပါတ္က ေနပို႕လိုက္တာလဲလို႕ စစ္ၾကည့္လိုက္ေတာ့ ဆုံးသြားတဲ့ သူ႕သားရဲ့ဲ့ နံပါတ္ျဖစ္ေနသတဲ့ ဒီဟာကို သိရေတာ့ ရွိသမွ်လူေတြ အားလုံး လဲလွုပ္လွုပ္ရွားရွား ျဖစ္သြားၾကတာေပါ့
ဒါနဲ့ ဟိုဌာနသတင္းပို႕ ဒီဌာနသတင္းပို႕ နဲ့ ေနာက္ဆုံးမေတာ့ မွူခင္းရဲေတြလာ ျပီး အေလာင္းျပန္ေဖာ္ၾက ေတာ့တာေပါ့ ေတြ႕ရေတာ့ အံ့ၾသစရာက အေလာင္းက ေတာ့ အဆင္းပ်က္ေနျပီ ဒါေပမဲ့ အေလာင္းေဘးက Cell Phone ေလးက battery အားကုန္ ခါနီးေလးနဲ့ အလုပ္လုပ္ ေနေသးတာကို ေတြ႕ရသတဲ့ ဒါေပမဲ့ ေသျပီးသားလူ ကဘယ္လိုလုပ္ text message ပို႕နိုင္မွာလဲ စဥ္းစားစရာပါပဲ ေနာက္ျပီး message အမ်ိဳးအစား အေၾကာင္းအရာကလဲ “ကယ္ပါ ကူညီ”ပါဆို တဲ့ဟာမ်ိဳး ကူညီခ်င္တယ္ ပဲထားပါအုန္း ေသျပီးလူကို ဘယ္လိုကူညီလို႕ရမလဲဗ်ာ
မိတ္ေဆြေကာ ကူညီခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္ ဘယ္လိုနည္းလမ္းနဲ့ ကူညီမွာလဲ
သူ႕မိဘေဆြမ်ိဳးေတြကလဲ ဘယ္လို ကူညီမယ္လို႕ ထင္ထားသလဲ
ဒီ တစ္ကယ့္အျဖစ္အမွန္ ဇာတ္လမ္းေလးက ဘာကို ရည္ညြန္းေနသလဲ က်ြန္ေတာ္တို႕ဘာေတြ ပိုသိဖို႕လိုေသးသလဲ ဘာေတြ မသိေသးတာ ေတြရွိေသးသလဲ
စဥ္းစား အေျဖရွာ ၾကည့္ၾကပါဗ်ာ ရႊင္လန္း ခ်မ္းေျမ့ၾကပါေစ

12 February, 2011

You Know? second part

2nd …… is about the prayers which we use to communicate with God they called it conversation with God. There are three types of prayer
1. vocal prayer
2. meditative prayer
3. contemplative prayer
Vocal prayer: This is the prayer of the lips, with stress on words, recited or sung. The text is often prefabricated or ready-made and is often beautiful and inspiring. Vocal prayer may also be spontaneous.

Meditative prayer: or meditation, a prayer centered in the mind, which pictures and ponders, reflects and things of God and his wonderful dealings. The mind seeks understanding and insight. In meditation, the lips are quiet and the mind is active.

Contemplative prayer: or contemplation, a prayer of heart and will which reaches out to God’s presence. The lips and mind both come to rest, there is a simple gazing (looking) at the lord while the heart reaches in wordless prayer and the will seeks to be one with his.
Thank You and God bless you.

11 February, 2011

Pope Urges Entire Church to Promote Vocations

Pope Urges Entire Church to Promote Vocations
Says This Marks Vitality of Local Community

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 10, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is underlining the necessity for every member of the Church to promote religious vocations.

This was one of the points emphasized by the Pope in a message for the 48th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, which will be celebrated May 15 on the theme of "Proposing Vocations in the Local Church." The message was released today.

The Pontiff noted that "particularly in these times, when the voice of the Lord seems to be drowned out by other voices and his invitation to follow him by the gift of one's own life may seem too difficult, every Christian community, every member of the Church, needs consciously to feel responsibility for promoting vocations."

"It is important to encourage and support those who show clear signs of a call to priestly life and religious consecration, and to enable them to feel the warmth of the whole community as they respond 'yes' to God and the Church," he said.

The Holy Father affirmed that "the Lord does not fail to call people at every stage of life to share in his mission and to serve the Church in the ordained ministry and in the consecrated life."

He asserted, "It is essential that every local Church become more sensitive and attentive to the pastoral care of vocations, helping children and young people in particular at every level of family, parish and associations -- as Jesus did with his disciples -- to grow into a genuine and affectionate friendship with the Lord, cultivated through personal and liturgical prayer."

Benedict XVI encouraged helping youth "to grow in familiarity with the Sacred Scriptures and thus to listen attentively and fruitfully to the Word of God; to understand that entering into God's will does not crush or destroy a person, but instead leads to the discovery of the deepest truth about ourselves; and finally to be generous and fraternal in relationships with others, since it is only in being open to the love of God that we discover true joy and the fulfillment of our aspirations."

Rich soil

The Pope appealed to priests "to testify to their communion with their bishop and their fellow priests, and thus to provide a rich soil for the seeds of a priestly vocation."

He encouraged families to be "animated by the spirit of faith and love and by the sense of duty, which is capable of helping children to welcome generously the call to priesthood and to religious life."

The Pontiff encouraged "catechists and leaders of Catholic groups and ecclesial movements, convinced of their educational mission," to "seek to guide the young people entrusted to them so that these will recognize and freely accept a divine vocation."

"Every moment in the life of the Church community -- catechesis, formation meetings, liturgical prayer, pilgrimages -- can be a precious opportunity for awakening in the People of God, and in particular in children and young people, a sense of belonging to the Church and of responsibility for answering the call to priesthood and to religious life by a free and informed decision," he affirmed.

The Holy Father noted, "The ability to foster vocations is a hallmark of the vitality of a local Church."

He concluded, "With trust and perseverance let us invoke the aid of the Virgin Mary, that by the example of her own acceptance of God's saving plan and her powerful intercession, every community will be more and more open to saying 'yes' to the Lord who is constantly calling new laborers to his harvest."

You Know?

What I don’t know before, and I want to share……
1st ……These things are the facts that the Holy Catholic Church’s teaching.
The first one is the existence of the pure spirits they so called angels.
The angels have their functions that have given to them particular tasks. There are three ranks among the celestial spirits. They are…..

I. The Supreme Hierarchy
In this rank the angels are Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones

II. Middle Hierarchy
In this rank the three angels are Dominations, Virtues and Powers.

III. Lower Hierarchy
In this rank also has there angels; Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

These are the summary of the existing spirits which can not be seen by this tiny physical world, but for those who are mystics they can see them. They are also called the heavenly choirs of heaven, because they sing the praise for God without cease…
On the other side there is also the existence of the Fallen Angels who roams through the world searching for the ruins of the souls.
The locomotion of the celestial spirits is faster then the electricity. They travel as fast as our thoughts because we have the same spirit like them…but the difference is we have physical body with six senses.

09 February, 2011


ကမာၻၾကီးရဲ့ အစ ပထမကာလမွာ ဖန္ဆင္းရွင္ ေျမေပၚဆင္းသက္လာျပီး သူ႕နဲ့ ပုံစံတူ သက္ရွိ သတၲဝါဖန္ဆင္းဖို႕အ ၾကံရသတဲ့ ဒီေတာ့ ေျမေပၚက ေျမေစးကိုယူျပီး စိတ္ၾကိဳက္ဖန္တီးသတဲ့ ဒီလိုနဲ့ စိတ္တိုင္းက် ျဖစ္ေတာ့ အသက္သြင္းေတာ့မယ္ ဆိုေတာ့ ဖန္ဆင္းရွင္ရဲ့ အၾကံေပးက ပိုျပီးစိတ္တိုင္းက် ျဖစ္ေအာင္ စမ္းသပ္ၾကည့္ဖို႕ ေျပာသတဲ့
         ဖန္ဆင္းရွင္က ဘယ္လို စမ္းသပ္ၾကည့္သင့္ သလဲလို႕ ေမးေတာ့ ဒီပုံေဖာ္ျပီး အရုပ္ သုံးရုပ္ကို အသက္မ သြင္းခင္ နားဝကေန တုတ္ေသးေသး ရွည္ရွည္ေလးနဲ့ ထိုးၾကည့္ဖို႕ ေျပာသတဲ့ ဖန္ဆင္းရွင္လဲ အၾကံေပးၾကီး ေျပာသလို စမ္းၾကည့္သတဲ့  ဘာေတြ႕ရ သလဲဆိုေတာ့
ပထမ အရုပ္ကိုစမ္းၾကည့္ေတာ့ နားရြက္ဝက ထိုးလိုက္တဲ့ တုတ္က ပါးစပ္က ေန ထုတ္ခ်င္းေပါက္ ထြက္လာသတဲ့
ဒုတိယ အရုပ္က်ျပန္ေတာ့ နားဝကထိုးလိုက္တဲ့ တုတ္က ပါးစပ္က ေနမထြက္ပဲ တစ္ျခားဖက္ မွာရွိတဲ့ နားဝကေန ေလွ်ာေလွ်ာရွူရွူပဲထြက္လာသတဲ့
 တတိယ အရုပ္က်ေတာ့ ပါးစပ္ကလဲမထြက္ နားဝက လဲ မ ထြက္ပဲ ဝမ္းဗိုက္ထဲ့ကို တုတ္က ေလးက ဝင္သြားသတဲ့
ဒီလူသုံးမ်ိဳးက ေတာ့ အခုလက္ရွိ လူေတြ တစ္မ်ိဳးစီကို ကိုယ္စားျပဳပါတယ္
ပထမ လူမ်ိဳးကကို ၾကားရသမွ်ကို တစ္စြန္းတစ္စမခ်န္ မေမးရေသးရင္လဲ ေျပာျပတတ္တဲ့လူမ်ိဳးပါ ေကာင္းမွန္းသိသိ မသိသိ စကား ေျပာေနရမွ ေက်နပ္ေနတဲ့ လူမ်ိဳးပါ
ဒုတိယ လူမ်ိဳးကေတာ့ တန္ဖိုးမ ထားတတ္ မေလ့လာတတ္ အက်ိဳးရွိမွန္းမ သိတဲ့ လူစားမ်ိဳးပါ အတီးအတ နဲ့ မေယာင္ရာဆီလူး ေနတတ္ပါတယ္
တတိယ လူမ်ိဳးက ေတာ့ လူေတြထဲမွာ ရွာမွရွားတယ္ ပညာရွိ လူမ်ိဳးပါ ၾကားသမွ်ကို စဥ္းစား ခ်င့္ခ်ိန္ ျပီးသင္ခန္းစာ ယူ ဘဝအတြက္ အသုံးခ်တတ္တဲ့လူစား မ်ိဳးပါ
ဒီပုံျပင္ ေလးထဲမွာ က်ြန္ေတာ္က တတိယ အမ်ိဳးအစားထဲမွာ မပါဘူး လို႕ စဥ္းစားဆင္ျခင္မိပါတယ္
အကိုတို႕အမ တို႕လဲ ကိုယ္ဘယ္လူမ်ိဳး မွာပါေနသလဲ ဆိုတာ စဥ္းစားေစခ်င္ပါတယ္
အၾကံေပးစရာမ်ားရွိမယ္ဆိုရင္ ေႏြးေထြးစြာၾကိဳဆိုလ်က္ပါ ဒီအီးေမး (ko.ohlay@gmail.com) or (ohlaygb@rocketmail.com) ကို သာ စာတစ္ေၾကာင္း ႏွစ္ေၾကာင္း သာပို႕လိုက္ပါ
စိန္ၾသဂတ္စတင္း အေၾကာင္း သိခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္ ကူညီေပးလို႕ရေၾကာင္းပါ

07 February, 2011

Prayer For Help Against Spiritual Enemies

Glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, who stands always ready to give assistance to the people of God; who fought with the dragon, the old serpent, and cast him out of heaven, and now valiantly defends the Church of God that the gates of hell may never prevail against her, I earnestly entreat you to assist me also, in the painful and dangerous conflict which I sustain against the same formidable foe.
Be with me, O mighty Prince! that I may courageously fight and vanquish that proud spirit, whom you, by the Divine Power, gloriously overthrew, and whom our powerful King, Jesus Christ, has, in our nature, completely overcome; so having triumphed over the enemy of my salvation, I may with you and the holy angels, praise the clemency of God who, having refused mercy to the rebellious angels after their fall, has granted repentance and forgiveness to fallen man. Amen.

06 February, 2011

Thanks giving prayer after Mass by angelic doctor St. Thomas Aquinas

I thank you, holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, who deigned to feast me, sinful and unworthy servant, with the precious body and blood of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, not for any merit of mine, but only because of your merciful goodness. And I pray that this Holy Communion, far from condemning me to punishment, may bring about my pardon and salvation, encompassing me with the armor of faith and the shield of a good will. By it let my vices be done away, all lustful desires extinguished. May it advance me in charity, patience, humility, obedience, and every other virtue. Let it be strong defense against the wiles of all my enemies, visible and invisible, allaying for me every disturbance of flesh and spirit, binding me firmly to you, the one true God, and bringing my last hour to a happy close. I pray, too, that it may be your pleasure to call my sinful self one day to that banquet, wonderful past all telling, where you, with your Son and the Holy Spirit, feast your saints with the vision of yourself, who are true light, the fulfillment of all desires, the joy that knows no ending, gladness unalloyed, and perfect bliss: through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

05 February, 2011

My Enthusiasm : a Lip-service

We start a new day as usual but the grace was unusually bestowed on us since beginning. How we breathe, our heart beats every now and then, no matter how we stop thinking of God or being aware of his present within us, he doesn’t stop giving his providential gifts on mankind of the earth.
Greatness of God can’t be measured through our senses. But by our senses we can sense that he is near us, within us. We learned from him, he teaches us even before we’re born. Is it true? Most of the ordinary people may ask. I would surely say “Yes”. Because, even in the womb of the mother he instructs us in a very gentle manner. Through the mother we are sustained by his heavenly grace.
We, in the age of numerous technologies, are already numb by the domination of the physical senses or I would rather say our instincts. We keep our minds busy with so many things. We read, we talk, and we learn, we do many things but we don’t listen to the inner voice which is always speaking to us but sadly it is neglected. Is this true?
We each one of us, the temple of Holy Spirit, is the greatest creature among the created, do we really listen to him? When we are not being aware of him, how can we perform his will? How can we know his instructions? Look! There are trees dancing together with the rhythm of the breeze as if they are praising as much as they can. Can we feel that? Listen the joyous singing of the little birds near our household. Can we hear what they sing for? They sing the praise of the Almighty. Do we? We only murmur when we encounter the trial or unpleasant thing. And we blame God for putting in that difficult situation, but do we praise God when we feel happy or encounter with success. Most of the people they use God as an answer for the demands which they cannot answer, they say it is God’s will, he wants us this way. Imagine if we go the rocky road it is sure that at least one time we would stumble. It depends on the person who chooses the way to walk.
We meditate the mercy of the lord, but what method do we use. (Some use sleepy method in the morning.) Do we really love him? We will say proudly “yes”! But in what particular way? Do we talk to him, recently I got a word of JP II he said that many theologians talk about God but he wondered that they really talk to God. If we really listen to him carefully in our hearts, his words will be actualized in our actions.
How can we listen to him? This is a challenging task for a Christian. There are types of meditation, and also contemplation. For me I like to contemplate, because it is applicable whatever I am doing, wherever I am. Even in the mid night you can contemplate, by thinking the mercy, being aware of his love, the kindness and mercy. In a deep contemplation, the Holy Spirits reminds us our misdeeds, wrong perception, disbelief and faults. So that by means of contemplation, we are sure to be in peace and in union with the Divine lord. There is a contradiction between east and west, the western people are so active and practical though the easterners are practicing solitude. I heard that when the westerner is running away from his self image, the easterner is resting at peace by contemplating the nature.
He has revealed himself, we know him but not by heart, we claim that we have faith in him but only lip service. O lord, please help me to know you more and to be your faithful servant in your vineyard though I am not worthy.

03 February, 2011


On 8th December 1854, Pope Pius IX officially declared the Doctrine of Immaculate Conception of St. Mary in the Constitution, Ineffabilis Deus. The Church celebrates this truth on the 8th of December every year.
Immaculate Conception of St. Mary means that she was conceived in the womb of her mother, St. Anne, without ‘original sin’ or its stain. Original sin refers to the deprivation of sanctifying grace and the inclination to sin shown by every person as a result of the sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Sacrament of Baptism removes original sin from us; but St. Mary, by an exceptional grace granted by God, was exempted and preserved from all stain of original sin from the moment of the creation of her soul and its infusion into her body- that is, from the first moment of her existence, conception or animation. Hippolytus calls her the Tabernacle exempt from defilement and corruption. St. Ephraem said she was as innocent as Eve before her fall.
Sanctifying grace was granted to her before sin could influence her soul. She earned this exemption from the universal law through the merits of Jesus Christ, which cleanse others from sin during baptism. Thus St. Mary did not require a removal of the essence of original sin from her soul as her immaculate soul was immune from it and was excluded from it by the special grace of God. This quality of her purity, the supernatural state of her soul and the divine grace Mary enjoyed right from her conception, are reflected in the salutation of Gabriel during the Annunciation, “Hail, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you”{Luke 1: 28}. She was the perfect abode for the incarnation of God.