Lemuel The Servant


24 February, 2011

we .....

“I am the real vine, and my father is the gardener. He breaks off every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and prunes every branch that does not bear fruit, so that it will be clean and bear more fruit.”(Jn 15:1-2)                  
Christ said these words from the mouth of John and let it be written by his holy inspiration. What for? We may ask. Yes it’s good to know what the lord has said to his chosen people. He says these words to remind us in our daily actions, to be with him always as we are the children of his. He loves his body as well as the branches. Would he be willing his branches to be cut off? Suppose your finger’s nail is eaten by the fungi. Will you stay without going to have any treatments? Or if your foot is painful will you not take any immediate treatment? Yes, of course because of the pain we will be murmuring if there is no proper cure for it.
At the same time, when we are his branches, his holy limbs he loves them as his body. In the Philippians, we are even called adopted children. Are we worthy enough to be so? But if we are not we must move ourselves toward God. Humbling ourselves, let the mercy overflow in our hearts and pondering His sacred words in our daily life there would be the best answer for our individual lives.
            Likewise I had experience when I was together with my family. My father and I used to work in the backyard of our house as I can help him a little. So when we were one day in the backyard, my father removing the unwanted plants and grasses. Carried them and piled them up to the stem of a fruit bearing plants. I helped him removing the unwanted grasses and carried them to the plants where he wanted to give a natural fertilizer. Occasionally these fruit bearing plants will not bear any fruits; my father will be patiently giving more amount of fertilizer. Finally when the limited time is over he was exhausted in giving the fertilizers he cut off the plant and made it firewood.
I felt that is what God the father is going to do in heaven when the time of judgment comes. We will be paid what we’ve done in this earthly journey. I am not threatening but what I want to say is that when we are the branches of Christ we have the right to bear good fruits, to be good Christians. We are welcomed to this holy inspiration. To help people around us, to sympathize those who are in need, if not how could we be called Christians, since Christ gave himself for his followers to rinse the sins of ours. Especially we are called to have faith, love and hope.
“Instead, I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I heard from my father. You did not choose me; I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit that endures. And so the father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name. This, then is what I command you: love one another.”(Jn 15:15b-17)