Lemuel The Servant


28 February, 2011

Spirit Is Holy

             What is Holy Spirit? Many wonder that how Holy Spirit may be, and what would it be like or how does it work and so and so forth. We may not be able to describe its physical appearance. But it is sure that we would know when we are in the land of our heavenly father. We cannot measure the work of the Holy Spirit since it has done so numerous works and still performing it. The measurement we know is too incomplete to measure the vast ocean of wonderful work. Has anyone done measuring the amount of the water in the ocean or has anyone weighted the mountains in the scale?
Theologians say, it is the spirit of God. Holy Spirit works within us, watching over us as a guide for each one of us. Would it be true, yes that’s true and the truest in this Universe. Without it will our hearts work? Will our cells grow? Will our memory last to be use in the future? Without the Holy Spirit there will be something absurd for us the human beings. The Holy Spirit is on earth since from the beginning of the creation of this universe.
By it we are sustained, given shelter, secured in peace and many other uncountable blessings. They figure Holy Spirit as in the form of a white Dove or in the form of blazing fire. Why, there are evident in the New Testament, when Jesus is baptized the holy spirit descended as a dove and when the time of Pentecost the holy spirit descended again as in the form of tongues of fire. At the time of the creation of the Universe the Spirit of God hovers over the earth, the same spirit who came to Jesus when he was baptized by John the Baptist. Again, in the Old Testament, Noah used a dove to bring the good news that is peace of the earth.
Now, what I came to understand is the Holy Spirit would also be like wind, the air we breathe, without air what will happen, but only few know the power of Holy Spirit. It contains life of the world. When we pray even in our minds he speaks to us in turn. Do we know it? It is the reality.
There is a prayer we usually pray at anytime of the day even in the night. It is …...

Breathe in me O Holy Spirit, that I may think what is holy
Guide me O Holy Spirit, that I may realize what is holy
Attract me O Holy Spirit, that I may love what is holy
Strengthen me O Holy Spirit, that I may defend what is holy
Defend me O Holy Spirit, that I may never lose what is holy.
This short prayer is so powerful when one prays with reverence.

This prayer is the prayer of our Order of the Discalced Augustinians OAD.
By praying this short prayer, May all be blessed!

And these are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit,
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Gentleness
Pray with faith, so the gifts of the Holy Spirit will manifest in our daily lives.
Thank You and God Bless.