Lemuel The Servant


11 February, 2011

You Know?

What I don’t know before, and I want to share……
1st ……These things are the facts that the Holy Catholic Church’s teaching.
The first one is the existence of the pure spirits they so called angels.
The angels have their functions that have given to them particular tasks. There are three ranks among the celestial spirits. They are…..

I. The Supreme Hierarchy
In this rank the angels are Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones

II. Middle Hierarchy
In this rank the three angels are Dominations, Virtues and Powers.

III. Lower Hierarchy
In this rank also has there angels; Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

These are the summary of the existing spirits which can not be seen by this tiny physical world, but for those who are mystics they can see them. They are also called the heavenly choirs of heaven, because they sing the praise for God without cease…
On the other side there is also the existence of the Fallen Angels who roams through the world searching for the ruins of the souls.
The locomotion of the celestial spirits is faster then the electricity. They travel as fast as our thoughts because we have the same spirit like them…but the difference is we have physical body with six senses.