Lemuel The Servant


05 February, 2011

My Enthusiasm : a Lip-service

We start a new day as usual but the grace was unusually bestowed on us since beginning. How we breathe, our heart beats every now and then, no matter how we stop thinking of God or being aware of his present within us, he doesn’t stop giving his providential gifts on mankind of the earth.
Greatness of God can’t be measured through our senses. But by our senses we can sense that he is near us, within us. We learned from him, he teaches us even before we’re born. Is it true? Most of the ordinary people may ask. I would surely say “Yes”. Because, even in the womb of the mother he instructs us in a very gentle manner. Through the mother we are sustained by his heavenly grace.
We, in the age of numerous technologies, are already numb by the domination of the physical senses or I would rather say our instincts. We keep our minds busy with so many things. We read, we talk, and we learn, we do many things but we don’t listen to the inner voice which is always speaking to us but sadly it is neglected. Is this true?
We each one of us, the temple of Holy Spirit, is the greatest creature among the created, do we really listen to him? When we are not being aware of him, how can we perform his will? How can we know his instructions? Look! There are trees dancing together with the rhythm of the breeze as if they are praising as much as they can. Can we feel that? Listen the joyous singing of the little birds near our household. Can we hear what they sing for? They sing the praise of the Almighty. Do we? We only murmur when we encounter the trial or unpleasant thing. And we blame God for putting in that difficult situation, but do we praise God when we feel happy or encounter with success. Most of the people they use God as an answer for the demands which they cannot answer, they say it is God’s will, he wants us this way. Imagine if we go the rocky road it is sure that at least one time we would stumble. It depends on the person who chooses the way to walk.
We meditate the mercy of the lord, but what method do we use. (Some use sleepy method in the morning.) Do we really love him? We will say proudly “yes”! But in what particular way? Do we talk to him, recently I got a word of JP II he said that many theologians talk about God but he wondered that they really talk to God. If we really listen to him carefully in our hearts, his words will be actualized in our actions.
How can we listen to him? This is a challenging task for a Christian. There are types of meditation, and also contemplation. For me I like to contemplate, because it is applicable whatever I am doing, wherever I am. Even in the mid night you can contemplate, by thinking the mercy, being aware of his love, the kindness and mercy. In a deep contemplation, the Holy Spirits reminds us our misdeeds, wrong perception, disbelief and faults. So that by means of contemplation, we are sure to be in peace and in union with the Divine lord. There is a contradiction between east and west, the western people are so active and practical though the easterners are practicing solitude. I heard that when the westerner is running away from his self image, the easterner is resting at peace by contemplating the nature.
He has revealed himself, we know him but not by heart, we claim that we have faith in him but only lip service. O lord, please help me to know you more and to be your faithful servant in your vineyard though I am not worthy.