Lemuel The Servant


03 March, 2011


 As the time of Lenten season is approaching, I would like to share this short story. In this we can learn many things by putting it in our hearts what is the moral. We claim we are Catholics but sometimes our actions, behaviors becomes as pagan or atheists. We should let our hearts touch by the power of Holy Spirit.
            Let’s challenge ourselves in this season by living according to the teaching of the church and the commandments of our lord. Let’s fast for the Fridays and other important days in these forty days of lent.

Faith in example

A young man worked in a leather factory. His fellows were not Catholics, and when on Friday he brought his eggs, fish and cheese sandwiches to lunch, they called him a fish-eater and put their meat sandwiches before his eyes. Of course, it was all good-natured joking, but there was one man whose bitter remarks were serious.
            Years later, the leather worker met that old acquaintance leaving a Catholic Church and dressed as a Catholic Priest. The two recognized each other and began to talk over old times. Finally, the priest said, “it was your example that aroused my interest in Catholicism. I thought if a man can take the taunts of crowd and still remain proud of his faith, there must be something wonderful that faith. That led me to inquire about the church. Today, I celebrate my first mass.

Conversion is waiting for every one of us. Let’s take this opportunity to have transformation of our lives by this Holy Lenten Season.