Lemuel The Servant


05 March, 2011

Blind conceit

A lion approached a rhinoceros and asked, “Who is the king of the jungle?”
“You are, O lion,” came the answer.
The lion went up to the hippopotamus and asked, “Who is the king of the jungle?” the hippo said, “You are, O lion.”
Where upon the lion went up to the elephant and asked the same question. The elephant seized the lion with his trunk, whiled him around, tossed him in the air, caught him on the way down, and slammed him into a tree.
Half-dazed, severely beaten, the lion shook himself and managed to mutter, “Just because you don’t know the right answer, you don’t have to get angry.”

No one can say that we are sure that we’ve not experienced like the lion. Many times in life we perceive the truth but we fail to accept as our personnel weakness, pride, foolishness. It’s just like we are deceiving ourselves. We are liars for ourselves.