Lemuel The Servant


19 March, 2011

Refusing State Sex Education Lands Parents in Jail

Global Groups Defend German Families
             MADRID, Spain, MARCH 18, 2011 (Zenit.org).- A growing number of organizations are defending the rights of German families to remove their children from state-sponsored sex education, as more parents have been imprisoned for refusing to send their children to the classes.
           The case of one woman, Irene Wiens, who refused to send her children to the classes in 2006 is now before the European Court of Human Rights. 
Her husband already served a six-week jail term, and Irene Wiens is now in jail.
          The couple refused to send their children to the classes, saying that they present a permissive view of human sexuality in conflict with their religious convictions.
            According to the U.S.-based Alliance Defense Fund, which is representing the case, four other parents have also been imprisoned.
In Spain, Professionals for Ethics is promoting a declaration in favor of Wiens, which has been endorsed by 43 associations from Spain, Ireland, Italy, the United States, Kenya and other countries.
Just this week at the United Nations in New York, the Holy See's permanent observer reminded that parents have a right to educate their children according to their beliefs, "including education about authentic human love, marriage, and the family."
Dear Brothers and sisters,

           Please Kindly reflect on this small article which is published in the news from Rome. i would like to say something about it. Is it fair to do so by force, are they doing for the development or the destruction? As far as i observe, the United Nations is also doing on the favor of evil. Who has the right to imprison as they claim always human right now and then. Who is the responsible for the children? the UN or the parents? The world is in darkness, the place where evil seems to prevail. I remember the prayer to St Micheal the Archangel. sometimes the voice of the people cannot be true if they yield to the way of evil.
        As described, the US-AID is really evil, i strongly condemn them. Here in this Philippines also these people work on politic and deceive people. As of now they are planning against the catholic church because the church teaches the right path, to be moral. they do not want, this US-AID is also governed by the US politicians, so as to expend their New World project, which started by the Kissinger. 
        We Catholics should be praying for our future, there is Tsunami, the eruption of volcanoes, the third message of the Fatima is revealed for us to prepare for the last days of our world. I am not afraid because i know Jesus, and i pray to him, i know he loves me and all of his created beings and the Universe.