Lemuel The Servant


04 March, 2011



When Noah planted the vine, Satan notices it and with his usual curiosity approached him. “What are you planting “asked the prince of demons.
“A vine” answered Noah.
“What good will it be?” asked the tempter.
“The fruit of it,” said Noah, “it agreeable to the eye and delicious to the taste; and one gets from it a liquor that makes happy the heart of man.”
“In that case,” murmured Satan, “I will help you.”
So the devil procured a lamb, killed it, and poured its blood in the hole where the vine was planted. He did the same with a lion, a monkey and a pig. Thus did the vine receive the nourishment.
Since that time, whenever a man drinks a little wine, he becomes as sweet and pleasant as a lamb. If he increases the dose, he becomes as strong and rough as a lion. If he continues, he becomes as foolish as a monkey. And if, unfortunately, he does not stop, he ends up resembling a pig.


Short story but it has meaning for us, especially for the young seminarians, as far as I observed. Many of us are too much attached to the alcoholic drinks. Mostly that leads to the disgraceful life of some seminarians. Some went out of seminary because the attachment to it; they couldn’t persevere in this challenging life. Christ said that we should be free because he’s freed us from the slavery of sins. Therefore I humbly ask of you your prayers for the seminarians, who will become the ministers of Christ. By your prayers they will be transformed and live a holy life, serving Jesus without reservation for himself.