Lemuel The Servant


01 May, 2014

a prayer of a heart seeking the Lord

           I did not know what place will be placed. As far as I can see, I am given a chance to learn and reflect from others, as guiding myself, i guide some persons. As i pray for others, i pray for myself. Seeing others I see my image in them.i am grateful for an invisible person who promised to be with us in every mili-second of our life here on this earth. I am firmly convinced that i am not alone struggling here but there is someone who understand me more than i understand myself. How can i be grateful to the person who is without any losing of patience to guide when we are wrong, understand when we are weak, console when we are hurt. HIS image of love is reflected in the love of parents.
        Each day, growing in spiritual life is really hard if there is no asking of help from divine. Our failures make us realize how we are weak and unstable in everything, from thinking to performing some little stuff. We might have offended someone without knowing, and we too can be offended by someone without intention. Our imperfect reasoning makes us to rely on the one who is mightier than us. We search always: for a place where we feel we are well protected, well guided and well preserved. There is only one secure place, where are satisfied from every desire. It is in the bosom of our Lord, whose heart is big enough to release us from every wrong we have done against him and against our neighbour. Lord, have Pity on us, Jesus.