Lemuel The Servant


13 May, 2014


           The darkness of this world is always ready to take over or to control someone in order to make him a slaver. One may not necessarily notice himself or herself as a slave to certain habits. When talking about slavery, here, i am not talking about a human slave another human master. Here i am trying to point out that slavery here means being under certain habits, customs which are undeniably difficult to release oneself from it. The slavery is not forced physical forced labour rather it is a difficult attachment to certain things, certain use of objects and so on.
          For example, a drug doer is a slave to drugs and he would honestly admit it as well as a heavy smoker would do. I asked a heavy smoker that do you know that you are burning your lungs, she said, yes, i know, i am well aware of that. then she continued, why did you ask me? Don't do it. it is bad for you, never do it. Ok. thanks, i said. but i continued, you knew well that the danger of cigarettes and you still continue? She said, oh well, i don't know why i continue, i do not want , but i can't deny the thirst to smoke." Her answer would be plausible that she has incapacity to refuse and stop smoking but she can't. Otherwise she admits that she is a slave to it.
    It was an example how objects enslave us. Out there are many other things that are enslaving us, like these days, pornography is one of the most addicted thing. Both teenagers male and female, adults male and female. It is gradually enslaving our human society. Driving the society to the edge of objectifying human sexuality.  Sexual images are viewed as something intended for pleasure. In its very nature, human sexuality is always accompanied by its intimacy between a man and a woman of legal marriage. Nowadays, it has become an object of pleasure purpose only.
      heavy drinking is always a form of slavery that enslave us. In this case is composed of majority of men. Some men would think that they might be freed from worries if they drink heavily, some think that when they are happy surrounded by friends they should drink. If reason really reigns in their heads, there shouldn't be as such.
       Some are mildly enslaved, like facebook and other forms of social networking. Some said that they even forgot to eat while they are on facebook. and some even leave their facebook logged on 24/7.(i don't use facebook, i cancelled everything lately, i was one addicted to it, now i am free....Yeahhhhh)
             In my simple opinion, we are free, and we should always be free from any bondage. We should know which are enslaving, drowning us into the deep. Unless we can't see these things no one can let us see. We have to open up our eyes to see what is inside us and what is happening with us. Most of us tried to undestand the universe talking about black-holes and about stares yet we still don't understand the real need of our heart. "In order to know ourselves, we need to go back into the heart" said St. Augustine. May the Lord bless us to find ourselves in a near future, discovering all that enslave us one way or another.
  Now i feel more free to write in this blog than to post anything on facebook waiting that other would click LIKE! Now no more. Viva la libertà.