Lemuel The Servant


22 May, 2014

A Saint, a Wife, a Mothe, a Nun...Rita was a help

     Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Rita. Our order rejoices with her intercession. She, Rita is our patroness, personally i have experienced he intercession. I remember when i was a postulant, in the Philippines, i had difficulties continuing the seminary life, i thought of going out of seminary. I felt pressure, I missed my parents, my home land, my brothers and sisters and of course, my friends.
      I thought many times to get out of it, yet i said to myself, if i love Jesus why should i be weak. I knew love conquers everything. Then I was inspired to ask intercession of St Rita. I ask her fervently that i'like to remain in the seminary then become a priest, not for myself, not for my family but for all, that i want to serve people. I did pray for some time, not continuously yet it was quite effective. I unknowingly receive grace to continue, then later we were asked to continue to go to novitiate.
During novitiate also, i encountered many difficulties, especially dryness of living monastic life. I felt many times my prayers were not heard.  I felt going home again. It was also st. Rita help me remain in the seminary again. I never realized that she is such a powerful intercessor, and our patroness. Because, i think, she experienced many life disturbances, to be obedient, to be chaste, to be humble, to be patient, to be loving, to be forgiving, all such ideal christian virtues. I am one, very happy to belong one of the Augustinian order serving the Lord and His church where we have saints as our living examples, loving the Lord with all our hearts.
        I am grateful to God and people he allowed me to encounter, especially i appreciate their prayers offered so that we will continue to live in love, to serve. St. Rita was one of the many examples who is distinguished from the rest as her love, patience, charity, hope were above her self-love. She bowed until her forehead touch the ground yet she was raised by someone who is the author of Life. Thanks be to God. To God be the Glory, forever.