Lemuel The Servant


07 May, 2014

think twice for democracy

               What's happening around us, in all the news paper there will be headlines of terrorism, injustice, murder, famine and human rights groups' loud voice and so on. How about the ruling systems in this world? The loop holes in democracy makes modern man more miserable. Yes, it does, its like two wolf voting against a lamb who will eat the lamb. How about dictatorship? more or less the same. The only difference between these two ruling systems is that democracy is a system composed with many people while dictatorship is only one. Both has difficulties, injustices, wickedness, long term plan to destroy one's enemy.
      Even so called just, the UN is bias, in my opinion. The UN will force the third world countries with its power. America will block all the trade, forces international banks to stop operating in a particular sanctioned country. They did, yes, to our country. Who suffer in reality? Not the Dictator or his family or a single person from his trusted circle. In reality the citizens of Burma are the ones suffering  immense troubles coming from different aspects of day to day struggle to live. Less education, less health care, less income, less ...less and everything is less.Then where is justice?
        The dictator government feels easy, nothing to worry, while the citizens are bearing the troubles. We have suffered heavy yokes of dictatorship. The world is suffering the pains of democracy. If we follow as UN and the west suggesting to transform like them to democracy, what will then we expect. More pains?
    They say, they want democracy in Burma? Well, would that be so easy? What do you expect when we have democracy? Peace? Economy? Justice? Human rights to its fullness? Nah, expect nothing. When there is democracy...the western companies will come inside freely and exploit, leave their uncultured customs and traditions. As we can hear now, people said, "there is no democracy in Burma in its fullness. Some people are still struggling for their rights." Yeah its true. Does that mean that "when there is democracy there is justice following its tail? Democracy would make the country more chaotic, I guess. I have completely lost my trust both democracy and dictatorship. Both have difficulties on attaining justice and peace. 
    In my understanding, practicing democracy in one's country is like cutting off all the fence of a household and saying we are open and we welcome everyone, we are free. But in reality, it becomes more chaotic by having accessed by all, known and unknown, good and bad. Nothing remain stable in such a house because of its structure. Everyone has full right to do what one wants. There is no more respect for anyone. Social norms became an extra thing. People discard the old traditions of the society and of course they loose them becoming more or less like the west where democracy originated. People became slave of absolute liberty where it doesn't exist in reality. People demanding a full freedom is not yet free, indeed.
      While practicing dictator ship is enclosing one's household with a wall higher than the house. Everything is closed. House members are not in peace, they are forced to keep their mouth shut in respect to democracy in which everyone has every right to raise voice whether sensible or not, reasonable or not, right or wrong.  With dictatorship people lose every dignity and right of theirs, so as does democracy. The world has journey through a lot of political struggle like Socialism, Nazism, Communism and finally democracy. What shall come next. Will the world be at an edge when all countries in the world become practicing democracy. Will peace be granted so as well justice? No, no one can grant such as peace and justice and well being of each individual? Then why should we pursue such idealism as democracy. Since before, Plato has warned the dangers of democracy. It will put the world into peace. A nation with greater power will annihilate a nation with lesser power. This is why B!@#€h America is trying its best to remain as the most powerful world in the world. Politically, ideologically, economically it tries its best to remain. Mostly thru political and entertainments. In entertainment it is trying its best to show itself as the savior of the world from wars, a nation which gives donations to disaster-hit nations. However, its nature can't be hidden, a wolf in under the skin of a sheep.
     As a person, I love freedom and discipline. Not democracy, because democracy can only give a superficial freedom, a bitter medicine covered with sugar coating. A true freedom present in the heart of each individual together with responsibility and most importantly LOVE, which does not see faults and forgiving. Since Love rule its citizens without a sword. I long for that day and wish you do the same. We need to teach ourselves to love infinitely and others as we ourselves.