Lemuel The Servant


13 May, 2014


          I love technology, i love it deeply. It helped to exercise my desires in many areas of my interest. I love to help people too, and since i love technology i am always on it. Reading, doing some kind of research and sometime browsing or social networking. I am inclined to study how does a computer work and carries out information we need. So I do a form of self study. Learning something everyday and how to manage them. By benefiting from these day to day experience i happen to know a little more than normal users. I help people from my community when they need computer service. Installing, formatting windows OS and installation of other softwares and removing virus and adwares etc. When i am successful i am so happy and proud to be doing it over and over again. This is the reason i love it so deeply.
  I even thank God for technology. Because it allows me to do what i am interested. But for a while i am so sunk into it. I feel restless. I do not know what to do and i wasn't sure of what i was doing at certain moments. Ok, i found something. I did not know that i needed rest from what i am doing. It was I needed to be disconnected. I needed my reflection over my day to day life. 
   It was a need to revive my tired spirit from too much information loaded in my head and left me heavy with so many ideas running across in the brain. I decided to leave for a while, if possible I will not continue over a span of year of so. I am revived, i felt so refreshed. I prayed, I read books, I do the services i need to finish. I sleep so well. I eat my food with good appetite. They all were the benefits of leaving myself disconnected from media and social networking.
     I thank again, and prayed to God that "oh Lord, you are great, You have made me see the foolishness i was doing. And you gave me the courage to decide and do what i needed to do. Thank you for this opportunity to leave things became so close to us unnecessarily. So with this joy i would like to share a link to you. May God bless us in what we are doing and it may help our friendship strengthened with God and with our neighbour.