Lemuel The Servant


09 May, 2014

Reason: most essential

         Human beings love freedom. It has been accompanying all thru history. Certainly, it has played a crucial part of each creature and obviously without freedom in its most general terms, no one can make any progress in history, inventions, developments, cultures and so on. In any aspect of gradual development of everything is related to freedom exercising it its most profound sense of having minimal negative effect, rather giving most positive results to both doer and done. However, if negative effects of certain exercise in freedom are somewhat neglected they might be subject to manipulation.
     Certainly, there is a need of defining what really is most beneficial way of exercising freedom. In regard to this, there will be further defining of its exercising. How shall we? We know that in every act we act there is always effect, even when we speak there is a result as an effect that one hears. And our intention is that we speak so that we will be heard. We move around that we will fulfill some outcome. Therefore, again we still need to refine our intention in regard to its effect both positive and negative. In as much as we have an intelligence by which we determine every particular event around us. We reason out by its potency. We judge by it saying certain things are good and some are not, some are beneficial and some are not.
     So, then our intention is both beneficial when we act, meaning it may have the good of the agent, and outcome too is good. This is an example of an agent and the result of its action. Unless we understand implications of our actions when we act and the intention of why we act, and the possible immediate and remote effects of it we will be able to see the most positive results in every action.
   Though we may knowledgeable of these realities there are certain circumstances that we normally choose are good to us but in the long run it might be harmful to the society. Indeed it has been a central point of our discussion here, and more on globalization of our age. There is a tendency to globalize customs and ways of reasoning. Our clear vision is sometimes blurred when we are confronted with much information in our day to day life. We think something is right when much information is forced into our heads. Like Hitler said to his men, Repeat our belief into the ears, not two times, but repeat until it is believed by the people." It clearly shows our weakness to reason. When information is repeatedly given way into our head, we no longer reason out things becoming familiar to us.
    Rather we just believe it as if it is true. We don't critique anymore. We just close our eyes and believe what information gives us. So it is happening in our day. I know for sure that in Myanmar it is not a custom that ladies would wear revealing clothing. Especially pants so short leaving the whole leg open. And blouses leaving the chest open. These things were so recent. After seeing Korean films and Hollywood films girls tend to follow. However, this is never done before, but for me, what is the reason these women want their private bodies parts be seen? In the west, it is a custom that men wear decently covering everything, leaving only face and fingers be seen...this is a culture. Why women can leave open her body as if it an object to in the showcase?
    It is a clear sign of influence which is left without reason in the minds of Myanmar ladies. Because in Myanmar it is understood indecent a woman who opens her legs and her chest to be seen. Women are given high respect, we always measure older women as our mother and younger as our sister. Which sane person would like to see his mother or sister chest open, legs and thighs are open? Western culture has destroyed partly our way of reasoning. Unless we realize what is going on in our thoughts, how is our ways of reasoning we cannot go against the flow of this world. I am sure that my opinions expressed here are not regressive ideas rather, i would be glad to be accepted as, normal, sane and a simple reminder for the current trend.
Every person understand the word sexy, meaning arousing sexual desire it refers to a provoking, revealing of a person to an opposite sex. Nowadays, it has been reduced from its original meaning to substitute the word 'beautiful' or 'pretty' which we usually use to describe to a woman. Personally for me is best, and i feel comfortable to compliment a woman as pretty or beautiful. I find it so difficult to compliment someone with oh you are sexy, since i am aware the meaning of the word, so clear in my mind. I always avoid to use the word. In my eyes, woman are precious, they are God given gift to man, by her man feels secure. Man and woman compliments each other. One is empty when there is no opposite to fulfill the other part.
     As a Myanmar man, i am strongly convinced that  my beliefs are right which stand on the cultural background where equality is given priority, no one is inferior to anyone, rather...we have a conviction that respect should be given to anyone and love is for all. This is our freedom to practice equality both beneficial to us and to the remote or immediate effects.